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Subject: Chapter 93

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Date Posted: 10:20:18 06/21/04 Mon

Devin and Cash sat in the counseling office talking to eachother.

Devin:6 months in jail is not bad compared to what she could have got.
Cash: I dont thing Tyra could survive 3 months.
Devin:She'll make it and she'll come out a better person.
Cash:I hope so, I really hope so.
Devin:She will honey.

Devin held Cats hand and gave her a kiss.
Lams stood in his dorm room that night staring at his boxes on the floor. It was time for him to go home for Summer break and things had just gotten so confusing for him. He opened the door after hearing the knock to see Des standing outside. He welcomed her in and she took a seat on the couch.

Lams:Whats up? Whats wrong?
Des:Well.....I've been thinking a lot about us lately and.......
Des hesitated but decided to say what she had been thinking.

Des:I just have to be...I need to give you this back for a little while.

Lams looked at the engagement ring that Des held in her hand then gave Des a blank stare.

Lams:You are not serious.
Des:We're only 19 and all my life I have always had a boyfriend. Im suspose to be independent and I cant even move without you.
Lams:So then we wont spend so much time together. Des I dot understand this.
Des:I need some time away to know that your the one. I need to know if you are the one that completes me.

Des tried one last time to give Lams back the ring but he just stared at her blank and confused. She sat the ring on the bed and walked out the door. Lams sat there for a minute before running to the foor.

Lams:Des this isnt funny, come back Des.

But all Lams got was Deshone's back as she walked away.
Lib ran into Krystina's living room excitedly.

Lib: Baby I got a deal!!!!

Krys ran out of the bedroom holding Jason.

Krys:Wow congratulations baby! I knew you could do it. I knew you could do it!
Lib:Yeah Im going to be working exclusively with Sterling so Im going to relocate to L.A. Baby we going to get us a big house out there in the hills we can pay a sitter to watch Jason for when you go to school. Its no more struggling baby.

Krys smiled at Lib a little overwhelemed.

Krys: Wow! L.A? Wow. Thats great but I need a little time to let this all sink in.
Frostys was packed on this Saturday afternoon. Lams walked in holding Jason in his arm looking for Talib and Jiz. He didnt know this week would be full of surprises.

Lams walked straight up to Des table where she was sharing a milkshake with Devin.

Lams:This is real f**ked up Des!
Des:Lams wait a minute you jumping to conclusions.

Des looked at Lams with a pained look but Lams could not control his emotions. Mark was very lucky Lams was holding Jason in his arms.

Lams: No Des, You taking this guy to our spot, you telling me you trying to find yourself but all I see is you with another cat! You messing up Des, you about to loose up!

By this time all eyes were on them. Jiz and Talib came to calm Lams down.

Talib:Come on man lets go.
Lams:No man. You see this...This suspose to be my wife sitting right there. That aint Des right there. I dont know who that is.

Jiz and Lib finally got Lams out of Frostys.

*Well I guess Im back too. Ade I'll e-mail you tonight.*

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