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Subject: Chapter 95- The long awaited

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Date Posted: 06:50:00 10/28/04 Thu

Chapter 95
At the hospital, from what the doctors had told Krys and Lib, Jason would be better and was monitored 24/7, so they could go so the doctors could get on with their work for the meantime. Jiz drove Lib, and Jamal, while Cat drove Des’ car with Des, Krys and Jackie. In the girls’ ride
Cat: I can’t believe today just happened
Krys: It feels like a bad dream that just won’t end!
Jackie: Poor Lams, I cannot imagine what he must be going through right now, he must be shattered- physically, emotionally, and everything else
Cat: This is not fair to him, and he’s been such a good guy lately, why all this sh*t?
Krys: I honestly had no idea at the time; I was so sure he was the father of Jason
Jackie: Was that because you wanted him to be the father, or because your heart told you he was the father?
Krys: Maybe its cos he’s more of a man Lib will ever be and I knew that if it was his, he’d be a great father, and I honestly believed he was the father
Cat: Now Des if you hadn’t f*cked this up, this would’ve been kinda like a fresh start for you and Lami, but oh no! Little Miss Dessie had to go and oink this up by shacking up with that other dude, way to go chick! Way to f*cking go!
Des: Cat don’t even start on me okay? I don’t need to hear this
Cat: Its very funny cos lately, you don’t seem to wanna hear much apart from the idiotic voice in your head. I mean for a girl who is so book smart, you sure can be life stupid! You’re so wrapped up in yourself that you forget that decisions you make affect the rest of us! Its like the old Des who was willing to be honest with herself and not pass the blame to someone else has now become Miss I Don’t Give A Damn cos I’m right. You had a good thing going and all cos you were blinded by a cute smile by a guy who has a little brain you screw things you with Lami. Its always you giving the rest of us speeches about how to behave but you can’t seem to take one cos it doesn’t fit into your grand plan.
At that point, Des got angry.
Everyone looked at her funny and Cat pulled over to the side. Des got out and went over to the driver’s side.
Cat looked at her like what?
Des opened the car door. Cat looked at her and began to laugh. She calmly undid the car seat belt and got out. Des, got in, gave her a nasty look and then started the car
Des (nastily): Save your speech bitch!
Jackie and Krys looked at each other.
Jackie: Oh no you didn’t just say that!
Jackie opened the door and got out.
Jackie: C’mon Cat lets go, I’m sure Miss Beyonce over here can find new friends and a new attitude. You and Krys enjoy your lives together as being two heartbreakers in a pod!
With that, Jackie and Cat crossed the road and began walking. Des drove past them with Krys still in the car.

At Lami’s home, Lami’s mind was in pieces, but his main concern was for Jason’s health, until Jason’s better there’s nothing he can really do. He went into his bathroom, had a shower and took 2 sleeping tablets and went to bed. His mom came home like 6pm and he was still asleep, she came in his room to check on him and he was still sleeping, she just looked at him and whispered ‘my little angel’ cos he looked so peaceful and so adorable, all his worry lines had smoothened out and he had a serene smile as he slept.

This was at Jiz and Cat’s house with Lib, Jamal and Jackie, Cat and Jackie were telling the boys what Des did to them
Cat: Yup! Then she kicked me out and told me to save my speech. That girl is on course for a full scale disaster
Jiz: That bitch!
Jamal: I just can’t believe she did her best friends like that, that’s just wrong!
Jackie: I know but she’s a mad little twerp right now and by isolating all her friends, lets see what will happen to her ‘I too know’ self.
Jiz: If I didn’t know any better I’d swear she was on drugs! Otherwise girl’s too damn crazy for her own good.
Jackie: I hope that Mark dude gives her what she deserves, I wonder if her mom knows her daughter is going out with a guy who’s a defendant in a rape trial
Cat: Probably not, he’s like the best thing since ice cream to her now.
John: Don’t worry Miss Diva will get her just desserts. Guys like Mark are bound to f*ck up no matter how much they try to hide it.
Des got home after dropping a tired Krys home, and went straight to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She was shaking as she couldn’t believe how she treated her two best friends earlier, all cos they were telling her the truth. She poured the water and instead could not drink it. Her phone rang
Person: Whaddup ma its me Mark
Des: Oh hi what’s up?
Mark: U aiight? U sound a bit shook dats all
Des: No no no nothing’s up
Mark: So how was your friend’s baby Tyrell
Des: Who?
Mark: Isn’t that the name of your friend Keisha’s baby?
Des: Wtf? Firstly its Krys not Keisha, and the baby’s name is Jason not Tyrell!
Mark: Oh my bad. We still kicking it later tonight?
Des: Yeah sure whatever
Mark: Yeah cos I want you to meet my boys and you gotta look dope so I can represent you as my girl. Oh by the way, if some chick Ayesha gets up in your face telling you I was with her and that I’m her man, tell the bitch to shut up okay?
Des: Yeah whatever
Mark: You sure you’re okay ma?
Des: Yeah, I’m golden
Mark: Cool, I gotta roll, pick ya up at 9, and tickle your ass with a feather for me ok?
Des: You’re crazy
Mark: Yeah, crazy over my baby…which is you by the way in case you didn’t get it
Des smiled
Des: Bye papi
Mark: Later ma

Fast forward to 9pm, Krys was just getting to the hospital ward where Jason was when she noticed someone’s jacket on the chair next to his hospital crib
She ran her hand over the jacket and smiled- Lami… he still cared.
At that point, Lami entered with a cup of water and saw Krys touching his jacket, he cleared his throat loudly and Krys looked up and hastily took her hand of his jacket
Krys (embarrassed): Oh sorry.
Lami gave a little smile
Lami: Its ok.
There was a little quiet between the two of them for a while.
Krys: so how long have you been here?
Lami: Umm for about 1 and a half hours
Krys: Really? Lami, you know you don’t have to do this
Lami: Krys, up until sometime this morning, he was my son. I can’t detach myself from him like that and act like he never existed to me because of the blood tests. He’s still my boy regardless and until he’s better, I can’t act like he does not exist.
Krys had tears in her eyes
Lami: Don’t even start that again please, I’ve had enough tears to last a lifetime please not another round.
Krys: Nothing like that, its nice to hear you talk like that
Lami just smiled and went over to stand beside Jason’s crib, Krys stood on the opposite side. He put his finger near Jason’s fist and instinctively, Jason moved his hand, found Lami’s finger and clutched his fingers tightly around it. Krys looked at Lami in amazement, Lami smiled at Jason who was awake then and was looking at Lami with his big beautiful brown eyes while sucking his thumb on his other hand. He saw Krys and smiled but didn’t make any movement for her to pick him up, he just continued sucking his thumb and looking at Lami who began singing Silent Night. Slowly, slowly, Jason’s eyes began to close and he began to fall asleep and snore gently. Krys looked at Lami in wonder
Krys: You really bonded with him didn’t you?
Lami: When I was growing up, I never really had my father with me cos he was either in prison, in a strip club, or running the streets, and I always swore to myself that when I became a father, I’ll always be in my child’s life and be the best father ever to them, so when Jason was born, I just had to fulfil my promise to myself. And when my own real child comes, I’ll be even better than the best father out there.
Krys: I am so sorry
Lami: Its okay. Where’s Lib by the way?
Krys: Ummm, he went to LA today, apparently Mario Winans is interested in one of his tracks and he has to be over there.
Lami: When’s he coming back?
Krys: By the end of the week?
Lami: And he knows Jason is ill and he still went?
Krys: I just finished arguing with him about it, I don’t wanna go into it again.
Lami said nothing
Lami looked at his watch
Lami: I do gotta be going soon, Mom’s a bit worried and I am still tired. What about you?
Krys: I’ll be here all night, I gotta talk to his doctors
Lami: Already did that. Talked to Dr Miriam who told me they’re moving him to a ward for stable babies cos he seems to be improving and the surgery was successful, and I think it’s a Mother and Baby ward where they provide sleeping area for both mother and baby, I asked her and she said its called Hunny Ward
Krys laughed
Krys: How cute
Lami: I know
Lami slowly removed his finger from Jason’s fists and blew him a kiss. He put on his jacket and grabbed his keys
Lami: Take care Krystina, take good care of Jason for me okay?
She smiled and waved at him.

Des waited and waited and waited for Mark who never turned up so she got all prepped up and went to Club Equinox where they were supposed to go. She could not call any of her friends to go with her cos she’d dissed them earlier. She got to the club and entered it looking for Mark. She saw one of his buddies Lemar and asked him where Mark was, he pointed to a corner in the club and told her to go to Room Cobalt which was in the back (the club had different rooms for private members to get their freak on and or do “business”, as she approached, she heard people talking, one of the voices she identified as Mark’s and they were talking about her. She stood outside the door and listened……..

That’s it!
Sorry for the long absences ppl, so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!

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