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Subject: Chapter 96

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Date Posted: 16:24:23 10/31/04 Sun

Joe sat in the back at the table with Mark.
Joe:Where that girl you was spose to get at?
Mark:Oh Des? She aint ready yet. I gotta take my time on her. I brought Crystal tonight.

Des had heard enough by that time and was making her way out of the club. She had had enough of everything and everyone. Why was everyone so worried about her and the decisions she made? What if she really didnt love Lams anymore?
She went home and laid flat out on her bed letting her thoughts take a hold of her.
It was now 2 weeks later. Jason was better and out of the hospital.
Krystina:So this is it?
Krystina's face held a nervous smile as she talked to Lams. Lams held
tightly in his arms as he got up to get a breath of fresh air. Krys sat
on her
suitcase in the empty living room. She had no idea of what she should
say to
Lams looked at Jason who was smiling at him and tried to hold back the tears.
Lams:This is going to be so tough lil man.
He sat outside with Jason until he fell asleep. Lams walked back into the apartment slowly and laid Jason on his blanket. Krys could only stare at Lams searching for the words to say.
Krys:I wish things could have been different.
Lams:So do I.
Krys:I wish he was yours Lams I would have never put you through this
if I
knew....You know that right?
Lams nodded his head taking a deep breath. He didnt want Krys to see
him cry
ever again.
It was this time that Krys started to cry.
Krys:Talib will never be as good of a father as you are.
Krys covered her face.
Lams:Well why are you leaving Krys? You know I'll be there for Jason. No matter what hes always my son.
Krys tears fell more rapidly and Lams walked over to give her a hug.
Lams:Everything is just so messed up right now. I keep trying so hard to be a better person but everytime I love something....
Krys:I know. Im so sorry about Des. If I would of knew that Jason was Talibs, yall would have been together.
Lams:Krystina its not your fault. Everything happens for a reason. Me and Des are just not meant to be.
Krys:Dont say that Lams.
Lams finally let go of Krys. He looked at her again with watery eyes.
Lams:Why are you leaving Krys? Why are you taking my son from me?
Krys backed up and sat on the floor with tears in her eyes. Lams sat beside her.
Krys:What am I suspose to do? I dont know what to do.
Lams:Stay. Please stay.... I lost Sean and Des, I cant loose my bestfriend and my son.

Krys laid her head in her lap wiping away her tears.

Krys: I have one more night to think about it. Im really going to think about it.
Cat laid beside John in bed

Cat:Im so glad we waited until we were married
John:Me too. I feel bad for Lams man.
Cat:Me too. Des is wilding out.
John:You should try to get them to talk.
Cat:For what theres no talking any sense into her.
Lams drunk his smoothie alone in his booth at Frostys. He rolled his eyes when he saw Des walk in. He contemplated getting up but instead he stayed. He saw Des walk to his table.

Lams:Dont come over here. You really are crazy huh?
Des:No Lams Im sorry. I just need to talk to you.
Lams:We dont have nothing to talk about.
Des:Lams please we do need to talk we have a lot to talk about.
Lams: Alright go ahead talk.

Des sat across from Lams. She wore black velour pants and a matching jacket. Her hair was back to its old state, messy bun bangs tucked sloppily behind her ears.

Des: What you saw with me and Mark... It was nothing. I mean it was something but nothing...

Lams looked confused.

Des: I just I got scared. I couldnt stop thinking about you and Krys. I couldnt stop thinking that we could get married and I wouldnt have known what it would be like to be with someone else....

Lams:You dont make sense. Why would you want someone else? I mean if you really loved me like you say.

Des: I love you I do. But its like everyone expects me to be perfect. Im human Olamide. Why cant you or anyone else understand that Im going to make mistakes? I've been there through everything Lams. I've been there through the Krystinas and Letonias. I made a mistake Lams I fessed up to it. Why cant you forgive me?

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Re: Chapter 96Ade13:14:57 11/01/04 Mon

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