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Date Posted: 15:03:17 11/07/04 Sun
Chapter 97
Lami: I don’t know where you got this ridiculous idea that everyone expects you to be perfect. Des, you’re the one who’s always set this high and mighty standard of perfection for yourself, no one forced you to it. You never ever once said you were sorry for anything cos as I remembered it, you did the breaking up with me to be with that other dude. What happened? He broke your heart? Cos you just don’t get it do you? If you loved me for real, the idea of being with someone else would make you sick cos I should be all the man you’ll ever need. But for you to sit here and tell me you wanted to know how it felt like to be with someone else and want me to feel sorry for you? Girl c’mon don’t insult my intelligence! The whole Krys thing we both know was a drunken mistake which now come to think of it I probably passed out before doing anything with her. I never ever looked at you and wondered how it would feel to hold another girl cos Des, you were all the woman I needed, and wanted. In my conscious self or even unconscious, you were my first thought and my last thought, I never ever ever wanted another girl. Yeah mistakes we all make but that excuse? Bullshit!
Des was stunned
Des (tears welling in her eyes): So what are you saying Lami?
Lami (getting up): Des, until you can make up your mind that for the rest of your life, I am your man and all you ever want to be with cos I am your soulmate and bestfriend for life? Then us being together just can’t happen
He walked out, Des began to cry. After about 10 minutes of being there, she left and drove home.
In her room, she went to her closet and pulled out 3 boxes. One had LAMI1 other was LAMI2 and the smallest one was MARK. She was going through each of them and what they held and she kept on smiling and crying. She took the MARK box and all the mementos of him in her room, took them outside and dumped it in the bin. She then called him
Mark: Hey baby girl where you at?
Des: I’m sorry I can’t do this
Mark: Do what?
Des: Be with you. I’m sorry we gotta just end it here
Mark: What did I do? Was it something I said?
Des: Not really, its just that being with you was not how I’d thought it would be
Mark: Is this what you want?
Des: More than anything right now
Mark: Aiight then mami, consider yourself deleted from the girlfriend post, hope we can still be cool
Des: So do I
Mark: Later
Des: Bye
She dropped the phone, her work was not done. Only stopping to wash her face, she grabbed a smaller box and her keys and left the house.
At Lami’s. his mom had gone for the night so he was home alone. Normally he’d have Jason with him to keep him company but Jason tonight was with his mother. He was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when the doorbell rang
Lami (to himself): Probably the pizza guy
He got up and went to answer it on the second ring. He opened it to find Des there
Lami: What are you doing here?
Des (tearfully): I love you Lami, with all my heart and everything. I love you and I want to come back to you, I want you to love me again, please
Lami looked at her, he turned his back and went into the house, Des followed him and closed the door
Des: Lami please give me a chance
Lami turned around to face her
Lami: Why?
Des: I want you, I need you. What you said today really got to me and you are right, you’re all the man I need and I will do anything to show you that you’re all I want.
Lami looked at her, in his heart he was slowly melting, she looked so good and so tempting to touch. Des as well couldn’t stop staring at Lami. Mark was fine and all but he ain’t got nothing on Lami’s pure unadulterated sex appeal- he was looking so good especially with him angry
Des: Are you just going to let everything we’d been through go to waste?
Lami: Des…
Des: I want to show you how much I love, want, and need you. Lami please you just have to forgive me and love me again
She moved closer to him, and got down on both knees, the box in her hand she opened it. In it was a diamond engagement ring for guys- she’d had it and had always wanted to give it to Lami but never had the chance to. Lami looked stunned
With tears rolling down her eyes
Des: Will you marry me? Please?
Lami’s heart melted. He dropped onto his knees as well and was face to face with her, he came closer and took the box from her
Lami: Yes
Des’ eyes sparkled and she smiled
Des: Thank you
Lami with his hand wiped her tears and kissed her. It initially begun as a slow lingering kiss but later had a sense of urgency and wanting to it. They stopped kissing short enough for Des to tell Lami
Des: I want you, now
Lami: So do I, c’mon lets go
He got up and helped her up and led her upstairs to his room where he turned down the lights and both of them sat on the bed and were kissing each other while slowly taking each other’s clothes off. They stripped to their underwear and both knelt on the bed and kept kissing for a while
Lami: Hold on
He got off the bed and on his bedside table was a small box as well, he took it and came back to Des
Lami: Here
She opened it- it was her diamond engagement ring, she smiled
Des: Oh my God, you kept it?
Lami: Yes I did because of today, cos of the day we’d be together again
He took it out and put it on her finger
Lami: I love you
Des: I love you too
They continued the kiss and took off the last of their clothes………lights fade to black (y’all can figure out what happened next)
LA- Lib just left the studio where he was still working with Mario Winans who wanted him involved in some projects for some major stars including getting him a guest production spot with Kanye West. This was 1am and he dialled a number on his phone [we don’t hear what the other person says]
Lib: Hey Ciara, what are you doing tonight?...uh uh….really, you missed me?....okay…..damn!.....uh uh….you know what, wanna come over tonight?.....that’d be so hot…..yeah I know……okay, come over now okay? Will be expecting you……later.
He ended the conversation smiling to himself……………
That’s it people, enjoy!
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