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Subject: Chapter 99

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Date Posted: 11:33:35 01/25/05 Tue

Krys rushed into the room Talib was in and saw him laying on the floor. She immediately screamed, dropped to her knees and started slapping Talib. He opened his eyes and instantly tears streamed down his cheeks. He couldn't bear to look at Krys who he could have contaminated.

Krys: Baby what's wrong! You okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?

Talib shook his head still a little out of it and said

Talib: No Im fine, I just been working non stop I need to get some sleep baby.

And there were no more words after that Talib got up and walked to the bedroom.

Krys looked at Jason puzzled and asked

Krys: What's wrong with Daddy? Lets go make sure he's okay, alright man.

Krys kissed Jason's cheek and headed for the bedroom.
Cashmere laid in bed in her dorm missing Devin. She hadn't seen or heard from him in two weeks and was beginning to get worried.

She curled her shoulder length hair into big spiral curls and wore her best outfit as she made a trip to Devins house. It was about time that she got an answer from Devin about his wear abouts.

Cash knocked on the door and got no answer but she knew Devin was there because she saw his silver truck sitting outside. She peered into his window and couldn't believe what she saw. Devin kissing a woman who looked to be more around his age. She thought to knock on the window and start up some drama but her better judgment went against it. She fixed her face, walked back to her dorm room and for once she knew it wasn't the end of the world.
Talib slept for most of the day. He just kept hoping that this would be a bad dream the could wake up from, but he couldn't even sleep. After Krys left with the baby to go visit Des and the girls he finally made an appointment at a clinic.
Talib went in wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses. He had never been to a clinic before and had no idea what to expect. He walked in and the center was clean and everyone in there looked normal just like him. He took his sunglasses off and took a seat after checking in at the front desk. After waiting for 15 minutes Talib was called into the doctors office. The doctor who's name was George Melendez began to question him after their greeting.

Mr.Melendez:Talib I understand that your hear for an AIDs test.
Talib: Yes I am.
Mr.Melendez: How many sexual partners have you had?
Talib: I don't know...A little over 20.

Mr. Melendez nodded

Mr. Melendez: And what form of protection do you use?
Talib: Sometimes I use condoms
Mr. Melendez: Sometimes? You know that's not very safe.

Talib began to get irritated.

Talib: I know that's why Im here.
Mr.Melendez:Alright Mr. Kareem

Mr. Melendez drew Talibs blood and did a regular check up on him.

Mr.Melendez: Alright Mr.Kareem I want you to make an appointment for next week so we can give you your test results.

Talib let out a long sigh as he walked back to his car. He didn't know how he was going to tell Krys what was going on. He prayed for the first time in his life. He prayed that Krys didn't have this disease. He was thanking the heavens that Krys didn't trust him and still made him use a condom when they had sex. And then he came up with a great idea. He made a trip to Jiz's and Cats house when he knew Jiz would be at work.

Cat: Hey Lib what are you doing here?
Talib: I need to ask you a big favor...

Cat let Lib in and they both took a seat on the couch.

Cat: What's up?
Talib: First you have to swear on your life that you wont tell anybody
Cat: I wont. What's going on?
Talib: I think I might have AIDs

Cat got up from the couch and stepped away from Talib.

Cat: You what!!!Talib What!!
Talib:Catrina come on please.

Catrina sat back down and put her hand on Talibs shoulder.

Cat: Oh my gosh. Talib what would make you think that? Do you think Krys would have it too?
Talib: Its a long story and I don't know if Krys has it or not. And that's why I need your help.

Cat raised her eyebrows and put two and two together. Talib had cheated on Krys out in LA She shook her head.

Cat: I don't know Talib...What do you want me to do not tell Krys? Are you going to tell her?
Talib:No...I was just, I was thinking you could tell her you wanted to get tested and ask if she would come along with you and get tested also.
Cat: And then what Talib? What if she has it? How could you do something like this?
Talib: I don't know. I never thought something like this could happen to me. If she has it we talk about it I don't know somehow we have to deal with it and if she doesn't I move out to L. A and I start a new life. No one can find out that I have this.

Cat sighed and said a silent prayer for Lib and Krys.

Cat:Alright I'll do it. You going to be alright?
Talib: I hope so.

That night Talib didn't go home. He didn't want to lay in the same bed as Krys. He went to the studio and produced his hottest track to date for Nas called "Live Now."

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