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Subject: Part 2

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Date Posted: 11:38:37 01/25/05 Tue
In reply to: Angie 's message, "Chapter 99" on 11:33:35 01/25/05 Tue

Cat called Krys and explained to her that she wanted to get tested and she wanted Krys to come with her. Krys quickly said yes thinking she was helping her friend.
The next day the two girls were on their way to the clinic. Krys looked at Cat and smiled.

Cat: What?
Krys: Why do you need to get tested? Your married...

Cat thought of a lie and said...

Cat: Because John has been acting funny and he has cheated before, plus I keep seeing those commercials on BET. You know the one Im talking about right?

Krys let out a loud laugh

Krys: You mean the knowing is beautiful one?
Cat:Yeap that's the one!
Krys: That's a good commercial.
Cat: I know right. So anyway how you been?
Krys:Im good. Lib has been acting funny too. Last night he stayed in the studio all night.
Cat: Wow. I bet the song he made is hot then.

The girls both laughed as they walked inside the clinic.

Meanwhile Talib was making his way out of the clinic. It was official he tested positive. All he knew and all he could think was that he was going to die. The only thing he could think was that he better "Live now" and make the best out of his life because he didn't have much time left. The doctor explained that with the right medication Lib could live a long healthy life but Talib wasn't hearing it. All he heard was that he was going to die.

He hurried home and packed up all his belongings and left a note for Krys on the table. All it said was Krystina, I tried but I cant do it. Im not ready to have a family just yet. Im moving to L.A without you. Don't worry, Jason will have everything he needs. Don't ever doubt my love for you" Talib let out a tear and then prayed once again that Krys wasn't infected then walked out the door.

Krys and Cat walked out the clinic holding hands in silence. Cat hugged Krys and kissed her on the cheek.

Krys: What was that for?

Cat: Doesn't it feel good to know that your healthy and beautiful....

Krys laughed and hugged Cat back.

Krys:Yeah...Knowing is beautiful.

The girls laughed again and headed to the car.
Des looked through the peephole to see who was outside her door. It was Devin. Des looked at Cash and then back out through the peephole.

Cash: What's wrong?
Des: Devins here
Cat called Talibs cellphone when she got home. Talib was still shook up.
Talib: Tell me something good.
Cat: She doesn't have it, thank God. But you, you don't sound too good.
Talib: I cant talk right now but thanks Cat for helping us. Please keep this between me and you
Cat:I will Talib. Please call me if you need to talk

Talib hung up and right there in the airport he cried tears of joy not caring if anybody saw him or not.

Krys:Walked into her house to see that things looked different. The house looked empty. She walked in the kitchen and sat at the table where she saw the note. She stared at it a long time before getting angry. She burst into tears and punched the wall before collapsing on the floor. She grabbed the phone and called Olamide.

Krys: I guess Im staying here...No more L. A

Lams could hear that she was breathing hard and crying.

Lams:Whats wrong?
Krys: Talib left me. He doesn't want a family and is moving to L. A on his own.

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