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Subject: CHAPTER 100

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Date Posted: 03:14:28 02/20/06 Mon

Chapter 100
Lams: What do you mean by he left you?
Krys [gasping as she was crying]: He left me, said he doesn’t want me and Jason with him and he’s gone! Oh my God, Talib has gone
Her voice rose in a wail and cries of anguish rocked her body; Olamide closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his free hand- this was so not the plan, trust Lib to go and f**k things up as usual
Lams let her cry for a while before talking
Lams: I’m coming over now. Where’s Jason?
Krys [sniffing]: He’s with my mom now. I’ll see you soon
Lams: Mos def.
Lams hung up, grabbed his jacket and keys and went out. In his car, he called Talib’s number

At the airport, Talib was handing over his boarding pass to the airport staff when his phone began to ring- he looked at the screen and saw that it was Lams. He cut the phone off
In his car, Lams saw that Talib had rejected his call and he cursed to himself. He dialled the number again

At the airport, the lady at the checking in counter was about to hand Talib back his boarding pass when Talib’s phone rang. Talib looked at it, saw that it was Lams but did not pick it up, this time he left it to ring and get into voicemail. The checking in lady looked at him
Lady: Are you not going to get that?
Talib: Nah, it looks like these telesales people. You know how it is; they’ll sell you their grandmother if they think they can get a good price for her
Lady: Don’t I know it. On average we get over 600 calls a day with people claiming to sell us life insurance or want to get free airmiles from us.
Talib laughed and shook his head: For real?
Lady: Yup for real. Ok here you go [she hands him his ticket back and his boarding pass], you’re on row G, seat 12, and it’s a window seat
Talib: Okay then thanks
Lady: Thank you. Have a great flight

In his car, when Olamide saw that the phone had gone to voicemail for the 3rd time, he decided to leave a message for Lib
Lams: Man- I don’t know what your problem is or what sh*t you’ve gotten yourself into this time, but whatever it is, it had better be good cos how you gon’ leave Krys with Jason here and up and leave to LA with not as much as a decent goodbye? You’d better pick up your phone and start explaining what the f**k your problem is!
He hung up, swerved right and headed for Des’ house, at least around her things always made sense. On the way, he called Jiz

John was laying on the couch watching re runs of Dragonball Z when his phone rang. Cat was in the kitchen making sandwiches
Jiz: Sup Lams?
Lams: Your boy’s split
Jiz: Who?
Lams: Lib; Krys just called me crying saying about how Lib has left her, apparently he left her a note saying that he’s gone to LA alone.
Jiz sat up, immediately his temple began to hurt- just when he thought Lib had settled down he starts up again
Jiz: Did he say why?
Lams: Krys was crying too much on the phone that I thought she was going to have a heart attack, so no I didn’t ask.
Jiz: You tried calling him?
Lams: Voicemail
Jiz: Lying bastard. Ok I’ll get Cat; we’ll come over to Krys. And if I see that ni99a, I’m gonna beat his ass down!
Lams: After I’ve finished with him!
Jiz: I’ll see you at Krys’ place. I’ll call Jamal and Jackie, you get Des and we’ll all meet up there okay?
Lams: Sure. Later
Jiz hung up and sighed. He went into the kitchen to meet Cat
Jiz: Babe, can you make that to go? We got a bit of a crisis
Cat: Wha’ppened?
Jiz: Lib has left Krys and Jason and gone to LA
Cat: For real?
Jiz: Yes.
Cat: Oh no. Did he say why?
Jiz: Not at all!
Cat: Oh damn! So what’s going to happen now?
Jiz: Who knows, but now we have to go over there- Lams has gone to get Des and is on his way over to see Krys
Cat: Okay then I’ll hurry up and finish this last one and I’ll go change my shoes
Jiz: Aiight then.
He leaned into give Cat a kiss and was on his way out before stopping
Jiz: Cat, you’re kinda calm about this whole thing- I mean after all you and Krys were a little close, and didn’t you say you spoke to Lib earlier today? I mean he didn’t mention this at all
Cat [quickly]: I spoke to him but he ain’t tell me a damned thing
Jiz came towards her and as he approached she turned her face away and continued slicing the bread. Jiz stopped in front of her
Jiz: Cat, look at me
Cat kept her head down as her right eye had started ticking as it normally did whenever she was lying
Jiz: Catrina Renee Deanna Fitch- look me in the eye and tell me that Lib has not told you that he was leaving Krys
Cat: I…I can’t do that
Jiz: Why not
Cat: Cos there’s something in my eye
Jiz: Would that lil something be your body’s lie detector?
Cat: No
Jiz: You are such a bad liar, you’re even worse when u’re feeling guilty- you are bad at being a guilty liar
Cat looked up at him and her eye started ticking badly. Jiz couldn’t help but burst into laughter
Cat: Jiz its not funny, I promised him!
Jiz: Babe, your friend is getting screwed over by this guy for whatever reason and you still want to protect him him?
Cat: Don’t be so quick to judge him- there’s more to it than him just being a bastard
Jiz [folding his arms]: Really?
Cat: Yes. Look we don’t have time to do this now, I’ll tell you in the car but right now, pack up the food, I’ll get ur shirt and tims and I’ll go change my shoes
Jiz: Okay madam, remember we’re married- no more secrets
Cat: Yeah Yeah whatever.
She kissed him quick and went out of the kitchen.

At Des’ place, Cash is in the hallway with Des, Devin’s on the other side of the door pressing the doorbell.
Des: Do you want me to get rid of him for you or what
Cash: Don’t answer the bell
Des: I can’t let it keep ringing!
Cash: Leave it eventually he’ll go away. I don’t wanna talk to him now
Des: I know but….
Cash: Just let him keep ringing, I’ll deal with him a bit later.

On the other end of the door, Devin was still ringing the doorbell and waiting when Olamide pulled up in his car. Devin turned around to see who it was and since he didn’t know Olamide, he wasn’t too bothered. Olamide got out of his car and approached Des’ driveway and eyed Devin suspiciously
Lams [warily]: Sup?
Devin: Hey
Devin pressed the doorbell as Lams stood watching. When Lams saw he got no response, Lams opened his phone and called Des

In the house, Des’ phone rang- she looked at it, it was Lami; she picked it up
Des: Hey babe
Lami: Babe I’m outside your house, we got a crisis- Krys needs us right now
Des: Were you the one pressing the doorbell?
Lami: Nah, its some dude here- you know him?
Des: Cash’s cheating toe rag of a man- she’s in here with me
Lami: Well can you both put the drama to one side; we need to go to Krys’ place now. If Cash wants to come, she can come along with us
Des: I’m coming out now
She hung up
Cash: Whats the matter
Des: Apparently, something’s happened to Krys and Lams wants us to go over to her place
Cash: I’ll come with you
Des: I was hoping that. Ok c’mon lets go.
Des opened the door and held Cash’s hand so that Devin wouldn’t be able to pull her away easily
Once Devin saw Cash he made a beeline for her
Devin: Cash we need to talk
Cash: I really don’t wanna do this now, please Devin leave me alone
Devin: Give me a chance to explain
Cash: Not now, Devin, not now
Des: You heard her- not now!
Lami and Des got into the front seat with Lami and Cash sat in the back and Lami activated the automatic locking system
Devin: Please Cash
Cash just looked down and kept her head down as Lami drove off. Devin was left there standing; after a few moments he shook his head and got into his car and drove off

In the car
Des: Babe- can you tell me what this is all about?
Lams: Lib has gone to LA leaving Krys and Jason with little more than a note and now I want us to go there and try and make some sense of all of this, cos why he would do this, I have no idea
Des: Oh no
Cash: Does anyone know why?
Lams: Not as far as I know
Des: You called Cat yet?
Lams: I spoke to Jiz, they’re on their way. Oh and you know that Jamal and Jackie are away on holiday with Symphony to London
Des: Oh yeah true so they’ll have to be out of the loop on this for a while

After another 20 minutes of driving, they got to Krys’ house- Jiz and Cat were already waiting for them
Cat: What took y’all so long?
Des: Sorry we got held up by Devin and traffic
Jiz: Devin? Who’s Devin?
Cash: My college counsellor, who I got involved with, dogged me out and now wants to talk to me. Long story cut incredibly short I guess
Jiz: Oh
Des: Aiight people, lets go in and see why Lib has done a runner
They went up to the front door and rung the door bell. A very messed up looking Krys opened the door; she had a box of Kleenex in her other hand
Krys: Hi all
All 5 of them: Hi
They entered the hallway into the living room to find tissues strewn all over the place- Krys’ eyes were red from crying so much
Des sat her down while Cash and Cat went to the kitchen to dish out the food Cat brought and to get water for Krys
Des: What happened?
Krys [in between sobs]: I…I don’t [hiccup] know. I came back from going to the doctors with Cat….and….and [sniff sniff] I found this note from him [she pointed to the note on the coffee table, Lami picked it up and him and Jiz read it]….and that was it!
She began to cry even more
Des hugged her as she cried on Des’ shoulder
Des: Its okay; have you tried calling him? What did he say?
Krys: His…his phone [hiccup] is turned off. I…I… I guess he’s already on the airplane to LA
Jiz: It’s a 3 hour flight, hopefully he should be landing soon; we’ll try him later this evening.
Cat and Cash came out of the kitchen with the food and water
Des: You said you went to the doctors’ today- is everything okay?
Krys: Yeah…I mean I went with Cat [sniff] today, she said she needed to get tested
Des: Tested for what
Krys: HIV/AIDS that sort of stuff
Everyone looked at Cat- her eye began to tick
Jiz [turning to face Cat]: Why would you need to get tested? We’re married and you know I’ve not cheated on you with anyone even though we’ve been married for about a year now and I stopped cheating on you waaaay before then so- why would you need to get tested
Cat’s eye began to tick even more
Des: I know that tick- its her ‘I’m lying’ eye tick
Krys: She made me also get tested as well you know just to be on the safe side with Lib
Lams: Do you suspect he was cheating on you in LA?
Krys: I…ummm…not really. I know he had a few wild nights out in LA but he always came back and told me about it so unless Cat knows something I don’t know, I don’t think so.
Des looked at Cat expectantly
Des: Girl I know you know something and in fact you may even know why Lib bailed out on Krys and his son

Cat couldn’t take it anymore. She gave a big sigh and went to sit on the couch beside Krys, so it was her and Des on both sides of Krys. She took Krys’ hand in his
Cat [slowly]: I actually do know why Lib left


There it is! I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry its taken so long- Angie and I have been caught up in so many things but we’re back in full force now. So enjoy!

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