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Subject: Chapter101

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Date Posted: 15:07:50 02/24/06 Fri

Everyone looked at Cat waiting for her to tell them what happened.
She looked down at her phone and sighed.
Cat:Its the office. Hold on let me take this.
She got up and answered her phone.
Talib:Hey, people are finding out huh?
Cat:yeah and their all questioning me. I don't know if I can lie about this.
Talib:Cat please. Please don't tell anyone, if their going to find out please let it come from me.
Cat:Well what am I suppose to tell my husband?
Talib:I'll tell him. But Cat please this is not how their suppose to find out.
Cat:Alright. Are you doing ok?
Talib:Good considering the circumstances.
Cat:Good. I have to go, I'll call you later.
Cat went and took her seat back on the couch. She blew a few strands of hair out of her face.
John:Baby is everything ok?
Cat:Yeah. They had misplaced a few files and we're wondering if I know where they were.
Krystina:So why did Talib leave Catrina
Cat sighed long and heavy.
Cat:I promised not to tell but... Krys Talib is getting married.
Krystina:Hes what???!!!
Cat:Its a long story and its very complicated. I'm not the person who should be telling you this. Krys this is between you and Talib and you need to try and reach him girl.
Krystina got up from her couch and started pacing the floor.
Krystina:You have got to be kidding me!*shaking her head* Why do I care. I was doing fine without him. Me and Jason were doing fine without him.
Everyone remained quiet not knowing what to say.
Krystina:I'm sorry you guys. Thank you so much for coming by and checking on me but I need to be alone right now. I just want to lay down.
Jackie:You sure? I'm positive.
Everyone left Krystinas house confused. Why would Lib marry someone other then Krys.
Cat and Jiz drove home in silence when finally he said...
John:I know your lying
Cat:John baby please. Talib is going to call you tomorrow and let you know whats up ok. But for now just please, please, don't worry about this. Talib is doing Krystina a favor by leaving her.
John shook his head
John:I cant believe this.
The next day Talib sat in the studio with Snoop Dogg laying down the tracks for his album.
He took the blunt from Snoop and took a puff through slit eyes.
Snoop:You should get in the booth right now Lib. Let me hear you flow.
Talib was so wasted he went in and laid down some verses.
Snoop:That's going on the album.
After Snoop left the studio Talib stayed behind working on music and getting high. All of a sudden Talib had a thought. "I'm going to die and my son will have never knew me"
He left the studio quick and went back to his house. He picked up the phone and called John.
John:Your crazy Talib you know that? How.....
Talib:I have AIDS
Talib:I'm going to die and my son will never know me.....I'm dying.
John got quiet. He didn't know what to say.
Talib:How do I tell my girl that? How would you tell your girl that you f**ked your life up and almost took hers in the process?
John still couldn't say anything.
Talib:You wouldn't. Would you?
John:I don't know. Damn Talib, I'm sorry. I didn't know.
Talib:I'm trusting you to keep this between me and you. I'm going to tell Krystina eventually but for now I want to just be by my lonesome.
John:You have my word...How are you doing?
Talib:I'm coming home to see my son tomorrow.
John:Alright. You want me to pick you up from the airport?
Talib:Yeah don't let anyone know alright?
The next day Jamal and Jackie were at her house.
Jamal pulled Jackie into his lap. Jackie sucked her teeth.

Jackie:Come on Jamal I'm going to be late to my appointment.
Jamal:I know baby, I was just thinking.

Jamal gave Jackie a kiss to sweeten her up.

Jackie:What were you thinking?
Jamal:That if your pregnant we could keep the baby. I mean I'm getting promoted we could take care of another baby.

Jackie shook her head getting off of Jamal's lap.

Jackie:I don't know Jamal, 2 kids and I'm only 20 and I'm not married? Lets just hope I'm not ok?

Jamal rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys. Jackie had been pressuring him about getting married. He just wasn't ready yet.

Krystina looked like she saw a ghost once she realized it was Talib standing at her door step.

Talib:Krys baby we need to talk.

Krystina was upset but still happy to see Talib at the same time. She let him in and they both sat on the couch.

Krystina:So are you really getting married.
Talib:*laughs* No
Krys:Then why did you leave
Talib:Its a long story
Krystina:Tell me, I got time.
Talib:Krystina I love you, I really do. I just have so much going on right now... I cant be with you right now.

Krystina shook her head all cried out.

Krystina:Why? What did I do?
Talib:This time its me. You didn't do anything.
Krystina:What about your son?
Talib:That's why I'm here.....
Krystina:Oh really?
Talib:I was wondering if I could take Jason to spend a little time with me out in L.A.

Krystina got up and walked to the door.

Krys:You need to leave. You have got to be out your mind if you think I'm going to let you take my son.

Talib:Krys, its not even like that! Jason is my son too! I cant step up to the plate and spend some time with my son?!!

Krystina gave Talib a look that could freeze ice.

Krystina:No you cant, now get out of my house.

Talib left the house with his head hung low in defeat. He headed over to John and Cats house. They had drinks and talked about the past.
The next day Des and Cash sat outside the dorms just talking.

Cash:I love the Spring time
Des:Me too
Cash:Can you believe the Talib and Krys drama?
Des:Man, in a way I can...I don't know, its just something that is expected of them.
Cash:That's true. Its kind of sad though.
Des:So what are you going to do about Devin? He called you like a million times last night.
Cash:I'm just going to call him when I have the time and let him know to never call me again. There are far too many guys on my jock for me to mess with one loser.

Des and Cash both laughed and gave each other a hi-five.

Des:I heard that!
Krystina sat in her office job playing with her long red hair. She thought to herself "My hair only gets messed up when I'm at work". She was trying not to think about Talib. She didn't want to believe that she was turning into one of those baby mommas that used their children as collateral instead of being happy that Talib wanted to be in Jason's life.
Talib and John sat in the studio listening to some of the songs he had produced.

John:Boy you got skills.

He gave Lib a handshake

Talib:What you thought I didn't know?
John:So what are you going to do?
Talib:I don't know. I'm just still kind of in shock. I just need some time to let this sing in before I let people know.

Talibs phone rung.

Krys:You can come and get him...Next week ok. But only for two weeks at the most.
Talib:Thank you so much Krys. Thank you
Krys:Yeah whatever.

Krys hung up the phone in his face and sighed. What was the world coming too.
The next two weeks went by fast. The track that Talib had did with Snoop was all over the radio and labels were now approaching him to become an artist. Although things were going good Talib still felt like any day would be his last. The only thing keeping him from depression was Jason. That's when he knew, he had to tell Krys. After flying back with Jason he sat on Krystinas couch.

Talib:I think I can tell you why I left now...

Krys rolled her eyes. Talib looked like he wanted to cry.

Talib:Krystina I'm serious. This can change everything and I'm so scared to tell you.

Krystina finally looked at Talib and realized this was serious

Krys:You serious aren't you?
Lib:As a heart attack.

Krys got up and gave Talib a hug. He hugged her so tight like it was the last time he would ever see her........

Well I guess were back. Is Jackie pregnant? Is Talib actually going to tell Krys?Whats Cash going to do about Devin?
Awww I missed the soaps

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Re: Chapter101Emiliana14:41:57 02/27/06 Mon

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