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Subject: Chapter 102

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Date Posted: 10:35:13 07/28/06 Fri

Jamal sat next to Jackie in the passenger seat of their truck. He could do nothing but stare at her as she cried, yet he was smiling.
Jackie:What the hell is there to smile about Jamal. You know what we gotta do.
Jamal:I knew you were pregnant Jackie. You have that glow.
Jamal:You look so beautiful right now Jackie. Why not have another baby? I love you, you love me, were going to be together forever.
Jackie:Forevers never promised Jamal. Im only 22.
Jamal pulled a ring out of his pocket.
Jamal:Look I was waiting for a better moment to do this but...I want to be with you forever. Im ready to start our family Jackie. Marry me.
Jackie smiled behind her tears
Jackie:I cant believe this...Oh my Gosh...I cant believe this...
Jamal laughed nervously.
Jamal:Yes or No?
Jackie:Yes of course yes!!!!
Jackie and Jamal hugged and kissed eachother.
Talib sat next to Krys on the couch looking down unable to make eye contact.

Talib:I am H.I.V positive.

Krys looked at Talib blankly unable to register what Talib just said.

Krys:Hold on...Your what?

Talib started to cry and took another deep breath.

Talib:Im H.I.V positive

It finally hit Krystina and instantly she began to cry. Talib was in trouble. She sat back beside him and held him. Then she realized that she could have had it too. She got back up.

Krystina:Since when Talib?
Talib:I found out that day I fainted.

Krystina burst into tears and began to shove him.

Krystina:You were sleeping with me...You cheated on me...You were sleeping with me. Oh my....Our son Talib! Our son! How could you. What if I have it?

Talib grabbed Krystinas arms crying his self.

Talib:Krystina calm down you dont have it. Remember you got tested.

Krystina: You idiot Talib!You know it can stay in your system for up to 6 months before it shows up?You know what get out! Get out and dont ever think about coming back!
Des and Tyra went to the local pool to fight off the Summer heat.

Des:Oh how I love Summer!
Tyra:Me too. A reason to walk around in short shorts everyday? I love it

The girls both laughed.

Tyra:Is that your boo coming over here

Des smiled

Des:Yeap thats my man. *yelling*Sexual chocolate! come on over here

Tyra and Des both laughed as Lams ran to the pool with his friend and the both hurried in.

Lams hugged Tyra and then gave Des a kiss on the check.

Lams:How yall beautiful ladies doing?
Des and Tyra:Good
Lams:Good. This is my friend Romie. He going to school with us this Fall. He from Texas, he play ball.

Des:Nice to meet you Romie, Im Lams girlfriend Des, and this is my best friend Tyra.

Tyra smiled looking Romie over, chocolate brown skin, freshly tappered corn rows and lovely body. Romie was definately looking Tyra over also

Tyra:How you doing Romie? Its nice to meet you

Krys and Catrina sat on the porch outside of her apartment. She stared blankly into space not even noticing the tears falling from her face.

Cat:You alright?
Krys:No. What am I suspose to do?
Cat:I wish I knew. Talibs taking this even harder
Krys:And he should. He put 3 peoples lives in danger with his foolishness. God knows who else he was cheating on me with...I wanna tell everybody.

She gave a bitter laugh

Krys:But then theres this part of me that still loves him. And I know I will keep his secret.

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Edit chapter 102 read this first please!!!Angie10:38:11 07/28/06 Fri

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