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Subject: former patient

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Date Posted: 19:41:26 04/20/03 Sun

just found your web site today. Its brill looking back at the old hospital, i was a patient from may - december 82. I have really enjoyed reading the ghost stories., though i never experieced anything freeky, my mum and dad used to stay over at taplow lodge, my mum who is into spiritulism said that it was really eerie and that you could hear people outside you room door, then when you opened it there was no one there. You could also hear a train but there was no train station for miles. I went across once from the hospital with my mum,but had to come out as i felt frightened, as if there was something strange on the large staircase, as for my dad he would not stay there he was to scared, and called it dracula's castle. Anyway thanks for taking me back , and if you find anything with the name zoe mcmahon you will know who it is....... p.s was anyone else frightened of dr barbra ansul.

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Evil Professors...Damon Torsten07:14:40 04/21/03 Mon

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