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Subject: Cliveden View

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Date Posted: 12:00:49 10/20/03 Mon
In reply to: Graham Johnston 's message, "A national heritage site." on 00:13:13 10/19/03 Sun

Personally - I feel Cliveden is a bit "confused". Now it's a posh hotel/restaurant, it feels like you're paying your money to the National Trust walk around the grounds of..er...a posh hotel/restaurant! :(

I know it gets vital funds from being a hotel...but not enough for it's own upkeep.

The thing about Cliveden is that, unlike many country houses in the modern age, it's devolved into that old hotel/boardingschool/whatever cliche. The gardens are nice but not stunning, most of the house is shut off...there's not a lot to do considering it's a NT property.

When I was a kid - I often wondered why, given it's position on the river, boat trips weren't offered, why there were no woodcrafts, working farm, craft centre, wildlife trails etc. My gawd, it could even make the hospital part of the attraction! Morbid? No! People do on holiday to gas chambers and war graves! Refurbished and filed with period features and atmosphere - the hospital could be a living history lesson that would attract the school visit market as well as the film makers.

It just seems to be in this sort of posh hotel/mediocre country house attraction limbo. It needs to be one thing or the other. That way - it won't have to resort to sticking 191 modern houses with no real public transport link on site.

How much will Cliveden get from the housing development? £20m? And when it has spent that - where will the next £20m come from? A set of riverside apartments on the Cliveden bank?

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ReplyNoxty16:43:06 10/20/03 Mon

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