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Subject: No relevance

Bob Hurley
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Date Posted: 18:44:32 06/16/02 Sun
In reply to: Damon Torsten 's message, "Three points" on 16:27:48 06/16/02 Sun

Nobody masquerades in my name unfortunately for you. I have been scapegoated for no acceptable reasoning, other than the settlement in which the former Joe Farrand resides has been mocked, a pastime in which I frequently delve, possibly, but not a reasonable enough excuse for him to make the ill-judged assumption. I am of no part of this derogatory thread, despite appearing to have falsely proclaimed a message written by the latter mentioned.

I, in fact, despite being called Robert Hurley on my birth certificate [from the sub-district of Wycombe], would like any correspondence on this website herein for myself to be addressed to Bob Hurley, or B Hurley, or B M Hurley, in the respective order of preference.

May I be left entitled to my right to free speech, under laws of European Human Rights, however much I abhore the continental community in which our Prime Minister is obliging us to enter into further than is neccessary, and not be fraudulently accused of anymore nonsensical demeanour. Until this incidence I have been a worthy contributor to the Canadian Red Cross Memorial Hospital "Shrine", both to the message board and the web counter, and wish to remain so, since I, like many others, have a genuine interest in the building (having been there myself), and would like to be removed from this conflict of interest between the webmasters of the latterly described website and the formerly named person whom is a resident of Marlow.


B M Hurley

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Subject Author Date
your brothers surnamejoe farrand18:55:39 06/16/02 Sun
    GladBob Hurley19:26:43 06/16/02 Sun

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