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Subject: glasgow tenements

isabel mcdonald
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Date Posted: 18:43:59 05/03/08 Sat
In reply to: Story by Murdo Morrison about Yoker 's message, "MY TENEMENT STORY" on 14:40:14 05/12/02 Sun

hi murdo i just read your very touching story about the glasgow tenements i grew up in the southside of glasgow and can relate to to that time very much i was brought up in a room and kitchen with the advantage of an inside toilet at a time when children were children and used to play peever with an old shoe polish tin or kick the can or playing with two balls against a wall climbing dykes i am from a working class family and proud of it and we were encouraged to read as we didint have a television but we had a radio and i remember a sunday morning my father listening to the billy cotten bad show with the cry of waiky waiky if you can remember any of that there is so much more i would enjoy sharing with you about glasgow but id like to be sure you got this first thank you so much for takinig me back to a time we are not ever likly to forget seemed to have made a couple of typing errors but hopefully you will get the jist of it that was a nice stroll down memory lane thank you and lang may yer lum reek haha kind regards isabel

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