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Date Posted: 19:43:30 12/12/04 Sun
Author: ashley
Subject: Re: I am Ray's Daughter
In reply to: Trigger 's message, "Re: I am Ray's Daughter" on 12:42:04 12/08/04 Wed

Hi everyone,
Ok, I was sure that someone would question if I was truly Ray's daughter, but I'm not quite sure how to prove. I'm from New Jersey and my mom is Claudine and Amy is my biologically grandmother. My cousins are Judy and Steve who have twin children. For anyone that is still in contact or new anything about his family, this should clarify that it really is me. I'm doing really well. I'm a junior in college in CT and am studying human services which is basically social work. I have a boyfriend of one year, am in a sorority, and am an only child. I wasn't sure how often people visited this site but was really happy to hear responses.
I really appreciate hearing all the warm things that were said about my father, although it is hard for me at this age to know that I will never meet him or have a relationship with him, however when I was younger, I wasnt his priority and although i am prouf of his accomplishments and the way he has touched all your lives, I only wish I could say the same. I have to admit that when I saw hiw picture, I really freaked out...I look alot like him and we have the exact same hair. I guess thats it for now..Trigger, I just called my mom to ask about you but she didnt answer. Ill be sure to respond about that.
Thank You again those who responded
PS I do not go by Ashley Gillen. I took the last name of my the man my mother married because he was the only "father" figure I have ever known. He is a wonderful man who has always been open with me about my real father and really made me who I am today.
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