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Date Posted: 13:55:25 04/29/04 Thu
Author: Blu
Subject: Re: I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen
In reply to: Sam 's message, "I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen" on 06:34:22 04/29/04 Thu

Regarding Ray's denial, the singer Glenn Hughes, who was very close with him, said that. He said in an interview that Ray denied it repeatedly to him. Glenn said even after Ray's death he was angry everyone kept saying it was AIDS that took Ray because Hughes himself was in denial about it. But later he found out it was. My understanding from those close to the Badlands camp whom I've talked to is that AIDS affected some others around them as well--not rock stars, and not a surprise.

I think the thing to remember is that for all the people we know of who died of AIDS-related illnesses, there are likely many more rock stars of that era who are living with and successfully managing HIV today--and they'll never admit that, because it's a private issue.

As for money, the guys in Badlands have said in interviews they didn't exactly make a lot of money off the Badlands albums and often lived on the advances from the record company. I have a taped Badlands interview where the guys are sitting around teasing Ray because he wore the same ratty boots all the time--you see him wearing them in almost all the photos and videos. They made him lift his leg and show the camera his boots. Said he had them resoled cause he wore a hole in them, and they were hoping to raise enough money to get him a new pair. It was funny. I never got the impression any of them ever rolled in the dough.

I have immense respect for who I believe Ray must have been, and for the talent and music he shared with the world. I hope answering some of these questions without too much speculation--because most of what I've shared here can be found SOMEWHERE--helps put others' minds at ease. To some things there are no answers, either of out respect for him and his family's privacy, or because the answers may be unknown. But I hope this stuff helps de-mystify him just a little, without being disrespectful in the process.


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  • Re: I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen -- Cindy, 22:29:08 04/29/04 Thu
  • Re: I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen -- Cindy, 22:30:37 04/29/04 Thu
  • Re: I wish we'd still be chillin' with Ray G -- SeanX, 15:23:50 06/02/04 Wed
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