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Date Posted: 22:29:08 04/29/04 Thu
Author: Cindy
Subject: Re: I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen
In reply to: Sam 's message, "I wish we could still be chillin' with Ray Gillen" on 06:34:22 04/29/04 Thu

Me either. I loved Winter's Call, too. I would go so far as to say that it should have been nominated for a Grammy, the performance was so great.

I just bout a tape that has a couple of videos.

I know they made a video for Wineter's Call, Dreams in the Dark, and the Last Time. I actually like that song, too. But it makes me sad, not being solely because of Ray's passing, although that's sad, too.

But listen to the melody. It has a very melancoly sound before he gets to the chorus. It's almost pleading. It's a beautifully deliver vocal line, probably his prettiest since Seasons.

Also, question for anyone who wants to answer. I get the impression Ray was the youngest. I dunno why.

I know he has a sister, and I know of his brother-in-law. But that's all I know. Anybody wanna add anything there?
Did Ray ever marry?

To answer your question and also to reiterate what Blue said about not wanting to disrespect Ray, I think he like many others knew they had AIDS, but that maybe he either didn't know the full extent of harm it could do or he didn't think it would overcome him. Being so young and vibrant he maybe thought he could beat it.

Also, it's painful to think about things that hurt us/ Not acknowledging it does make it go away, actually, to some degree in our minds.

I'm not sure what "denial" really means in his case. He denied it certainly. But I can't say for sure if he knew he was sick or thought of himself as dying just because young people just don't. We all think we're invinsible. And sometimes we are.

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