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Date Posted: 11:00:26 03/07/01 Wed
Author: Stef
Subject: I ain't no stinkin' victim!!!
In reply to: Nola Que 's message, ""For the EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS"" on 21:33:58 03/02/01 Fri

The earthquake was a big yawn for me literally - I was sleeping, didn't feel a thing. I think Katrina was snoozing too but I'm not sure. Quite a few places have structural damage but nothing like down around Seattle. Earthquake!!! I guess I'll have to wait for the next one so I can feel the earth move under my feet. I wish I had been awake, I've always wanted to feel a disaster in progress.

I hope Monica is doing okay, having the flu can be so nasty.

I am following in my Mom's footsteps and have been not smoking for 2 1/2 weeks. It is making me mental. I crave a smoke whenever I see someone with one of those lovely tubes of tobacco burning away between their fingers. I yearn to taste that smoke seeping out of their lips and lungs....I WANT A SMOKE!!!!!!! I am downloading cigarette songs off of napster. Something to help alleviate the crave. At least I can listen to people singing about smoking.

People send me your addresses, I've been taking a collage class and I've been making a shitload of cards....hurry hurry take advantage of this amazing free offer and you too can get your grubby little paws on one of my beeyoooteeful creations *swollen ego ends now*

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