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Subject: /:\Suicide Solution/:\

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Date Posted: 01:02:26 09/22/03 Mon
In reply to: Shania 's message, "^You've Got Me Good^" on 00:53:22 09/22/03 Mon

/:\He raises his head to look at her, brown eyes filled with months of pain and stress and fears./:\ "I don't know about me, Shania. I don't know how long I have left, or if I'll be okay." /:\He pauses to stroke Drag's head/:\ "I don't know about us either, Shania. It would be wrong of me to tell you not to see them, but I can't deal with it. It's not fair to anyone here, to have to deal with the stress. They dish the insults but they can't take them. These are the only family I have, Shania. They can be yours too, but Zaine and Iason...they're not part of the deal." /:\There. Perfectly blunt./:\

(Yeah. I just don't like they think I'm gonna stand by and let their fags walk all over my boys just cos there's some vampire in cm that Roo plays, and everyone seems to be obsessed with. I personally don't see the attraction, but, it doesn't matter. I tend to keep to myself if not provoked, and as I said. Tell them to leave my boys the fuck alone and they'll leave them alone. Otherwise, there's gonna be plenty of repeats, because I'm not gonna send Sphinx runnin with his tail between his legs because Roo thinks she rules the human section with a dirk of a vamp. Pfft. *Gives asprin* Sorries. Had to get that off my chest. Roo irritates me and Diana isn't all that much better.

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^Ahhh! It Didn't Post My Message. Dumb Voy^Shania12:21:54 09/22/03 Mon

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