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Subject: ^Ahhh! It Didn't Post My Message. Dumb Voy^

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Date Posted: 12:21:54 09/22/03 Mon
In reply to: Freb 's message, "/:\Suicide Solution/:\" on 01:02:26 09/22/03 Mon

^She blinked slightly at his overly blunt words but they made perfect sense to her. Sighing softly she spoke^ 'Freb, even if you for some sad and very unknown reason only had a month or so left...I would want to spend it with you. I want to spend the rest of my life or your's together. I need to. I want to.' ^Her voice was slightly raised out of emotion. Looking to him with green orbs still coverd blue she blinked back tears and so forth^ 'I never had a full family. My mother and father died when I was young, I was raised with my siblings and nothing more...I don't know what it's like to have family and I know that this one will hate me for the rest of my life, and even if they don't...they should. I just can't bared to think that you do too though.' ^She turned away from him, arms wrapped about her slender frame^

(Roo can be annoying on that point yes, but Diana has never botherd me. Usually it was Lauren, but anyways. My head is alittle better this morning...though still hurting. And its not cuase I got drunk)

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(no time to read frebs stuff)Perg22:13:46 09/22/03 Mon

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