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Subject: [.good.]

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Date Posted: 17:10:56 05/28/02 Tue

Then we should begin soon.. no?
Battle training before the tournament.
I'm sure that you will all
need the practice.

Smirk crosses his ebon visage, but soon disappears as quickly as it arose. Colossal vocals echo out to the small crowd of eager beaver horses as he pairs them up.

Krymsyn and Chivato,
since you were here first.
You shall be paired up together.
Zero, you can wait until someone else comes.
I suggest you perhaps try to recruit someone.
The first equine to reply
of the battling pair.
May have the first move.

Couple of Rules before we start:

  1. No killing. This is not a match to the death.
  2. There shall be three posts from each person until the match is over.
  3. Over all, three attacks, two defence and one dodge are allowed. Use your dodge wisely, and accounting for your injuries durings battle will raise your score.
  4. Battles are judged on 10, 5 for attack, 3 for defence/dodge and 2 for overall.

Let's get ready to rumble!

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[: Pawn from B4 to D4 :][: Krymsyn :]18:09:41 05/28/02 Tue

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