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Subject: [: Pawn from B4 to D4 :]

[: Krymsyn :]
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Date Posted: 18:09:41 05/28/02 Tue
In reply to: Decanto 's message, "[.good.]" on 17:10:56 05/28/02 Tue

[: Garnet beauty nods lightly, dancing about in a light circle of preparation. Limbs stretch, toes scuffing gently against harsh terrain. Finally, moving towards Chivato, he nods, commencing the practice battle. Lithe figure moves steadily, hind limbs gathering most of the beasts weight, hooves reaching due purchase atop dusky desert. Thick trendils of obsidian lick behind flanks, shifting with the breeze and motion of the brute. Cranium tucks against chestal cavity, glazed lips parting, ivory canines glittering within the fresh light. Auditory triangles pin against skull, deep throated snort rushing outwards in forced motion. Weight is fully shifted backwards, forelimbs pushing off terrain. Couple flanks shove stag forth, forehooves itching, aching to dig against opposing flesh. However, motions are kept in check, forehooves clashing against the earth, just next to the foe's own forelimbs. Pillars strengthen immediatly, neck snaking out in serpentine fashion. Ivorys pry open like a bear trap, tongue held away from the dangerous daggers. Wrinkled muzzle bumps against Chivato's neck, not near the jugular, but upon the side, where neckline slopes towards shoulder blade. Vice grip is latched upon flesh, tearing lightly to cause pain, yet careful that during the practice spar, serious injury was not the idea. After a few moments, the bite is released, beast thinking only of protecting vital organs as he shifts backwards, muscles tensing for the anticipation of an attack. :]

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x.oh wow....checkmate.xx.Chivato.x22:09:36 05/28/02 Tue

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