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Date Posted: 21:48:14 10/28/04 Thu
Author: Paul
Subject: "I'm hungry." He stated without even returning the greeting, his words pouty even across the phone lines she could probably picture his lower lip jutted out just a bit - his brow furrowed. He rummaged through his fridge, holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder - his eyes drifting around the fridge before he pulled out a tupperware container, pulling back the lid and sniffing it before he frowned - he couldn't even tell what it was anymore but he was pretty sure it wasn't supposed to be green and fuzzy.
In reply to: Paul 's message, "
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear
So we can get some
on 21:37:47 10/28/04 Thu

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  • "Mmm, well you should make something to eat then.." She suggested with a sweet grin, her eyes sliding lightly shut as she easily pictured him there pouting, and then shifted to sit up slowly, ruffling Gambit's ears with her free hand, then pushing her fingers slowly through her dark, thick, and unruly ringlets. Tucking the phone between her ear and shoulder, she crawled off the bed to stand, kicking through some clothes on the ground absently... (NT) -- Belle, 21:53:21 10/28/04 Thu

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