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Subject: sorry but i had to let it out

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Date Posted: 15:43:56 08/14/03 Thu
In reply to: beavertail 's message, "I dont understand you anymore, but I do want to" on 01:32:01 08/14/03 Thu

"Yes I agree, some of the things we have done, the ways we have gone about talking to you may not have been the best, but please forgive us for that, we are only human." generally humans learn from their mistakes too. do you not have whit's email address? did you not see how mad she got last time when she was confronted on the forum and not in an email? well seeing as its up here for everyone to read and its my forum so i can do whatever i want, im going to spend some time defending my friend from this idiocy.

so why dont we all just accuse whit of being a heretic and take her to the stake right now? sounds like a good idea to me. i mean, its pretty much whats going on here anyway except you're burning her with your harsh words and indecent and inappropriate accusations. shame on you for placing it on a public forum too! lets make one thing clear, just because she has "fallen away" from you and others, does in no way mean she has fallen away from God. she bases her PERSONAL (keyword personal in case caps didnt indicate it enough) relationship with God on the one she desires, not on the ones of the people around her whether christian or not. so if you didnt catch that, she's strong in her faith even if the people around her are not. always has been, always will be. all you have to do is be around her for a while and see just based on her actions alone what path she is following and how it is a good one. if you cannot see God in this girl then you may want to try getting some glasses. her well-being is perfectly normal also and i dont see why there would be any reason to question it. shes definately not as grumpy anymore and thats always a plus and in general she just seems calmer and happier. why is that a reason of concern all of a sudden? or is there another motive behind this accusation? you tell me.

so why is it that those who sat on a boat for 6 days are allowed to judge the actions of everyone who didnt? i felt the need to say something because these accusations were also pointed at me. firstly, i really dont care what anyone thinks about my relationship with God since its no ones business but mine but since assumptions have been made public i felt like i should say something also. i didnt feel the need to respond to any of this crap no matter how offended, disappointed and disgusted i felt about it...until now...

it is still my choice and my decision what i believe in and i in no way intend on discussing what it is i believe or how my walk with God is going if there even is one. and i certainly dont plan on saying anything after all of this has gone down. obviously i dont have much faith or a relationship with God because others have been requesting prayer for me. I must need a lot of it since i am going through "trying times" right now. and about those "trying times" chris, what times am i going through?? what reasons did you have for bringing us up?? just because i have decided to be selective about the people i keep close to me does in no way imply that i am having difficultes and in desperate need of prayer. your gossip about how you have fallen out of favor with us has only made me see you as extremely immature. if you were hoping to reach us by acting concerned, you have only pushed us farther away from you and everyone else. chris, dont try to cross bridges that have already been burned down. because we didnt get along with you, we now have a bad name to everyone else which in turn makes you look even worse to us. im curious, because i dont recall telling you anything even when we were hanging out so i'd like to know just how you can place judgment on anything personal about me and think you know what im going through now that we're not talking. to clear this up for you because obviously you were concerned enough to post this on another public forum, IM NOT GOING THROUGH A TRYING TIME! and if i was, you certainly wouldnt know anything about it.

what made me so mad was the fact that when all she wanted to do was defend herself from untrue assumptions you all felt ok with cutting down my best friend and judging her current status (because you all knew so much about her to begin with). then you go so far as to judge her well-being among other things when its obvious that if she wanted to talk about it she would have gone to you first. you need trust in order to talk to some people and you need a lot of it in mine and whitney's case. i have been friends with whitney since 8th grade and i know that somethings she still doesnt feel comfortable talking to me about so why would she open up to people shes only known for less than a year?! its this kind of thing that stops others from wanting to trust and if the only information you know about a person is then placed on a public website for everyone to see, why is it so hard to believe that the person wouldnt get defensive? how stupid are you? so here is my little piece of "friendly advice", if you care about any of us then leave us all alone because these confrontations and accusations are the ones that make me doubt the people of God's church.

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Subject Author Date
Re: I dont understand you anymore, but I do want toJosh20:12:49 08/14/03 Thu
    Re: I dont understand you anymore, but I do want tosteve09:30:20 08/16/03 Sat

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