Subject: Re: I dont understand you anymore, but I do want to |
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Date Posted: 09:42:02 08/16/03 Sat
In reply to:
's message, "I dont understand you anymore, but I do want to" on 01:32:01 08/14/03 Thu
>Im just going to be honest about this, up front and
>personaly. Whitney, I can't speak for Paul but i know
>he has good intentions. I know also that I wish to
>have good intentions. We only act out of love for our
>friends. I believe there is absolutely no way for us
>to talk to you about anything that concerns us without
>it hurting your feelings. Thats alright though. You
>are very defensive online and thats a good thing.
>Hear me out. I read what you say and it makes me sad.
> I would have never guessed such spiteful words would
>ever flow through your fingertips. I know a happy
>Whitefeather who always smiles even when things got
>her down. Anymore I feel as if i no longer know you.
>You say you are happy and yet you are here, burning
>down whatever bridges, whatever ties, whatever
>connections, whatever friendships you have left with
>the people who care so much about you as to show
>concern. Yes I agree, some of the things we have
>done, the ways we have gone about talking to you may
>not have been the best, but please forgive us for
>that, we are only human.
>If this is the punishment for caring then so be it.
>If I must choose to have you hate me for the rest of
>your life because I feel the need to tell you I'm
>worried about your well-being then so be it. I see no
>other way around it. You know how I feel. I've
>talked to you many times about things. Please dont
>shut down on me, on us, as I see you doing now. Thats
>all anybody wants for you after all. Nobody is trying
>to radically change you, we are just making sure you
>are OK. Only now for some reason it seems that
>friendly advice is unwarranted and punishable by harsh
>words. Its hard sometimes to hear it from your
>friends, but do you know why that is? It is because
>you know they care about you. If we didnt care about
>you we would never openly show concern for you in such
>a manner. I dont know what to say anymore. Thats all
>that can be said.
seriously how did u guys find another edd??
but dude seriously wtf? i've known caz and whit for.... fuck knows how long and i'd say despite the few thousand miles between us that we're good mates and i hope that they feel they could tell me anything and they know that i love them (seeing as i actually reply when they think they will die;)) and as with all my mates i hate seeing them upset and i want to help but knowing full well what they're going through i know it's better to just be a shoulder to cry on and just listen and hell if you dont like their reason for being upset tough shit and if they dont want to talk about it leave it at that and take them out to the pub or bar or club or just to hang out (at the playground when it's raining and whit can wear slippers) and just enjoy their company and have fun cus by having fun urself you will make them feel better. but dont go onto a forum and post long ass posts that take effort to read fucking telling them that your right for wanting them to act how u would. fuck that shit man life too short. u gotta enjoy yourself now cus once u die then thats it. no more fun.
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