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Subject: Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!

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Date Posted: 18:07:33 11/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Paul Deramo is an ass ghost 's message, "Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!" on 02:59:06 11/16/03 Sun

Damn it, enough already! What the hell has gotten into you!? if you have a problem with me then freaking email me or call me and tell me whats wrong instead of being bitter and taking it out on people i know! What gives you the right to be such an ass to them? and telling them to make their own forum?? this was MY forum to begin with.

"Davis is full of fags but something tells me that even the freaks at Davis wouldn't associate with you" – I have a few things id like to bring up about this…

1. Firstly i would like to thank you for the compliment. so im a "fag" and a "freak" now just because I go to davis. And this is supposed to be offensive how? oh and since i associate with this person, among others at davis, i guess that makes me even worse than a freak? im not sure where you get off on this crap. did you expect me to hide in my room all day and not meet people at all and just stay close friends to our small group in san jose? how does that work when 1. our group barely gets along as it is and 2. how can i stay close to just you when you dont talk to me when you are online and you have never once called me since i've been here not even the first week when I had no one and the only people who worried about me enough to call me were josh and my family. why be dependent on someone i know I cant depend on!?

2. Stop assuming that you know everything and stop passing judgment about my friends here. How were their “5th grade” comments any more mature than a subject title of “happy happy gay gay” and a message that says “2bad Something Corporate sux fat nutsak!”? im still confused on that one. How would you freakin know what the people are like up here?! Has your 6th sense of paranoia actually changed things into real visions now? I highly doubt it.

So, have you visited me at all in order to fairly pass judgment on my friends? Did you ever plan on it? Most likely no. like you would ever bother to come up and visit me...yeah that'll be the day. you have whit, you only needed me to get closer to her so why would you need to come and visit me? i mean, wouldnt want you to actually return the favor to a friend and do too much for someone else, you might hurt yourself and I wouldn’t want that. You once said “i can see how u may feel as if i never cared but i really did. u saw how bad things were for me and now that i have the pleasure i lost perception of everything else” I was glad to find out that you realized what was going on, but what has changed? Actions speak louder than words and so far I have not seen any actions on your part to convince me that you do still care. All is ok though because I have gotten to a point where I don’t care anymore. This friendship is more of a hassle than an enjoyment and I don’t see the fun in it anymore. My actions are constantly misinterpreted and criticized for reasons I don’t understand and defending myself only seems to make the problem worse. Do I think for myself too much? Am I a threat? Am I too opinionate? Are you upset that id rather hang out with just whit than the two of you together? I apologize for whatever it is about me that you seem to hate but I wont change for anyone. I was hoping that when I came to davis, these petty arguments that seem to run our relationship would end. Apparently it makes things worse as any little thing can be turned into a huge event without me even knowing. I would appreciate it if things said about me would remain as your personal opinion instead of becoming fact. A paranoid person like yourself should not be given the opportunity to have their assumptions become the truth and the way things are.

I will not lie, if given the time to properly hang out last weekend, I would have only called whit and asked her to do something. It seems that either way whether you had gone or not, something I did would become the topic of conversation and once again a problem would arise. Where is the motivation for wanting to hang out if I know im going to get crap about it either way? i could elaborate more on the situation but it mainly concerns my relationship with whit and im working on an email instead since what goes on between us is no one else’s business. I figured since you use this forum to publicly announce your feelings about me, I would use it the same way (except I don’t use figurative language to fluff up what I have to say). And also you’ve already humiliated yourself enough by what you have recently written that this shouldn’t make that much of a difference.

Well I guess this concludes what I basically wanted to say. Whether its made a difference to you or not, doesn’t matter because I know im not as stressed about it anymore. You once said “confrontation is nothing anyone enjoys” which is true but these things had to be said before I went crazy. The basis of a good friendship is the ability to speak to each other about their problems but I guess im the only one who is willing to make the initiative. As of right now, im ending the crap that has been started on here so I don’t want to see anything written on this forum related to this topic. im sick of this forum being used as a vehicle to bitch about people and start shit just so that others have some source of entertainment for the day because they’re too boring to actually go out and do stuff. If you also want to voice your opinion on this, send me an email. You write back to me on here or have someone write back for you, and I swear to god I’ll delete the whole forum and not give it a second thought.

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Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!steve18:40:52 11/16/03 Sun
Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!Josh20:50:48 11/16/03 Sun

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