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Subject: Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!

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Date Posted: 18:40:52 11/16/03 Sun
In reply to: Caroline 's message, "Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!" on 18:07:33 11/16/03 Sun

it's 2.20 am and i just read that... why?...

anyhoo i dont really have any idea about whats going on here so i'm not going to make much in the way of comments but... well hell i gotta say somthing!

arya (btw i know this sounds dumb but how do you pronounce that no offence intended i just never heard it before) youre being a cock. so stop it. lifes too short! and calling everyone that goes to a uni fags and freaks well a) insulting such a large number of different people dilutes the limited effect of your comment and kinda makes it pointless and a bit sad. and b) fags and freaks...? pfft something original please i mean hell i been called that my whole life i call my best friend a fag and he calls me a freak it's not really offensive and using it as an actual insult kinda makes you look like a sad cunt with a very fucking small minded attitude where those that dont conform to your ideals are wrong and not right, that and childlike. the whole immature comments thing..? i mean theres being "immature" and theres being "immature" being mature is not talking properly and not making an idiot of yourself, it's based totally on life experience and not on age or location and involves knowing when to act like a dumb ass and when not too, and you kinda seem to be less mature than some 14year olds i know.

oh and caroline i'm still looking for a cheaper flight but i figure i'll get a cheap flight to anywhere in the states and hitch or catch trains or somthing to you.
and whit, email me i have a new pic!

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Re: Yahoo! I made our very own Davis forum pals!Josh20:50:48 11/16/03 Sun

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