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Date Posted: 15:33:45 10/30/02 Wed
Author: Nightingale + Aspero
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Subject: -v- Bird of the Night -v- -->harsh

Two appear upon the island, suddenly and abruptly, with nothing to signify their coming. Raven-hu'd fatale wrenches away from th' grasp o' like-tinted steed and whirls, rearing, striking out at he.

Easily the steed dodges her blows, and soon dial o' fatale hangs low, her entire posture that of submission. Steed mounts. 'Twas time to punish 'er for resistance. The mare's screams of pain echo throughout the valley as the deed is done.

At last it's over. The mare staggers away, weakened by the breeding, wishing only to rest.

But her tormentor follows. With a few swift kicks, the mare finds herself on the ground, with the stallion standing above her. Lowering his muzzle to near her ear, he whispers softly, "Do not think to escape me, my sweet. I am not through with you yet." The laughter that echoes throughout the valley as the steedfurther beats his mare, to be certain that she is too weak to escape, makes it clear that he truly is crazed.

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