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Subject: Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubby

Tracy (Desperate)
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Date Posted: 12:55:29 07/06/08 Sun

I have had my Crested for almost 3 months. He is 14 months old and was never socialized as a pup. I got him from a lady who could not afford to take care of him. However, she gave him lots of attention (and no training). Thus, he has been treated for heartworms, has had all his vaccinations, is treated for an ongoing eye infection and is scheduled to be neutered. He barks and growls at everybody, especially my husband when he comes into my bedroom. I actually think he would bite him if he had the chance. He goes ballistic when anyone comes close to the car or too close to me. I work in a nursing center and Lyle (that's his name) goes to work with me everyday.(I also have a Havanese that goes, too) He never barks at the old people, walkers, wheelchairs, etc. but barks & growls at visitors, kids too (not good PR, for sure). There are 3 other dogs that come to work everyday and we have a play park for them. He plays great with other dogs. Scares the grandchildren to death. And my hubby is at his wits end - it's almost to the point of him or Lyle.......hmmmmm.He (Lyle) is the most loving and affectionate thing that anyone could ask for. He hugs, he kisses, he uses his little hands to get attention, snuggles and is not afraid to be separated from me. I adore him. I need some guidance as to what I need to do. I love him dearly - but his behavior has got to change. I need to know where to start. I am willing to do whatever it takes. Advice, please.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubbyLee McCartney17:32:36 07/06/08 Sun
Re: Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubbyTracy09:07:54 07/22/08 Tue

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