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Subject: Re: Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubby

Lee McCartney
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Date Posted: 17:32:36 07/06/08 Sun
In reply to: Tracy 's message, "Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubby" on 12:55:29 07/06/08 Sun

Lyle is exhibiting typical dominant/alpha behavior and you need to reinforce to him that YOU and all people are the alpha. I would immediately start with the NILF (nothing in life for free) method (http://www.pets.ca/articles/article-alphadog.htm ). Stop stop letting him on the furniture (unless invited), do not let him sleep with you, he gets fed last, he comes in the door last, he gets greeted when you get home last, etc...he needs to learn that he is not alpha, you are. I know this will be difficult, but unless you address this behavior it's only going to escalate in the future.

Any time he begins to show dominance, you need to remove him from the situation immediately. That means placing him in a bathroom, door closed, for 10 minutes (if he is used to his crate as a "safe" place then DO NOT use a crate - if he's not crate trained, then get one and use it). In Lyle's little mind he is protecting what is his...you need to take that burden off him by reinforcing that YOU will protect what needs protecting leaving him free to be a happy go lucky little dog.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Extremely overprotective Crested/ very perturbed hubbycarol belch (this is my problem too!)14:10:54 07/07/08 Mon

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