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Subject: Re: help my crestie

Lee McCartney
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Date Posted: 20:30:04 10/04/08 Sat
In reply to: kelly 's message, "help my crestie" on 18:09:35 09/27/08 Sat

I'm a bit confused by your post. Are you saying that they did a skin scrape and found mange mites? What this sounds like to me is a staph infection, however that would have been seen on skin scrape. Most times with skin issues, a 7-10 day course of antibiotics is just not enough. It generally takes a 30-40 day course of Simplicef antibiotic to kick the infection. I would purchase some Zymox shampoos and skin conditioner and bathe her every 3rd day. Most vets push Malaseb which is a good product, but can be too much for our sensitive cresties. I purchased the Zymox and had such good results with it that my vet now carries it. Another great product is Malacetic shampoo/conditioner. This product is a boric acid/vinegar based product and works very well, especially if there are fungal issues involved.

If you've lost confidence in your vet, I urge you to find another. Good luck and let us know how it goes.

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