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Subject: Need help with information on helping abused dog

mayra (Upset and worried)
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Date Posted: 13:30:41 09/26/09 Sat

I rescued a poor little chinnese crested girl that the owner had seriously neglected by leaving her out in the yard. I took her to my vet today and he was apalled at her condition.
She has numberous issues we have started on working with her ulcerated eyes as the fist step of defence. He believes she has serious burns as well on her skin and suspects she has developed a sort of imune sense to the pain so he was more concern on treating her eyes. Took scrappings of the skin but that won't be back for at least 14 days.
Has anyone here deal with ulcerated eyes do to lack of tears.
He wants to treat her on a step basis as financially I need to be able to afford the treatment. He believes just being inside under a/c and washing her twice a week with a special medicated shampoo should help her skin. I have a series of 3 different meds for her eyes including eye patch.
Again not familiar with the breed but could not turn away. She is the sweetest little girl and simply sits and lets you do anything but is very scared.d

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Subject Author Date
Re: Need help with information on helping abused dogBunny08:48:12 09/27/09 Sun
Re: Need help with information on helping abused dogLee11:53:03 09/29/09 Tue
Re: Need help with information on helping abused dogJane Walbridge (Helpful)05:59:45 11/27/09 Fri

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