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Subject: Wall Cushions - PRA (Blindness)

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Date Posted: 01:52:38 11/29/10 Mon
In reply to: Lee McCartney 's message, "Re: Retinal Thickening & Ocu-Glo" on 12:08:32 10/28/10 Thu


I don't have any information on Suzi's genetics. I adopted her in 1/2000 from Crest-Care. Alice, in Indiana, was her foster Mom. At that time they were changing the President of the organization. When her heart murmur was diagnosed years ago, I contacted Robin but she said there wasn't any information on Suzi's mother Molly. Crest Care adopter her out too.

I have started the OcuGlo daily per the instructions for her weight. I am going to put cushions or body pillows along the walls and corners because Suzi loves to run & she misjudges sometimes.

If anyone has any suggestions for cushioning the walls, please post it. I was going to sell my condo & buy a house, but I don't think I can move now. This has been Suzi's home for nearly 11 years.

Suzi can only see in bright light now. I always kept a light on for her at night, but now I keep more lights on. As much as it breaks my heart, she seem to be okay with it. The biggest change I have noticed though is when I walk her at night. She gets frightened easily. I walk with her and talk to her & pet her & I keep telling her through words & touch that she is not alone & that I am will keep her safe. I hate that she is getting old. It makes me cry. I just can't bear the thought of what's to come eventually.

Please post suggestions for cushions. It would be greatly appreciated!!!


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Re: Wall Cushions - PRA (Blindness)Meredith19:39:00 12/31/10 Fri

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