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Subject: Re: Splenic Mass

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Date Posted: 08:28:14 03/05/11 Sat
In reply to: Karen 's message, "Re: Splenic Mass" on 11:53:32 03/02/11 Wed

I'm so sorry Karen. The surgeon told me that he has never had a Crested with this before. He has done many splenectomies, but never on a Crested. Even the Oncologist said that she didn't fit the profile for this type of mass.

I saw the Oncologist yesterday and she had the Surgeon come in to speak with me. We decided that the best thing for Suzi would be to do the splenectomy on Wednesday 3/9. Even if it isn't cancer, the concern is that the spleen will rupture, as it did with your baby. The doctor said they don't want to wait till it's an emergency situation to do the splenectomy. I agreed. Right now her CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) is under control and her Cardiologist will be there for the surgery. She will approve all the medications and the anesthesia for her before anything is given to her. They will use specific anesthesia for her that will help to maintain her cardiac output due to the CHF.

Suzi will have the Surgeon, the Oncologist, a Critical Care doctor, & her Cardiologist there for her surgery. After the surgery, she will be in there Cancer Hospital & they will monitor her heart continuously. There will be a doctor and techs there all night. There is always a tech in the hospital 24/7. The doctors are there all night when they have a critically ill patient or a fresh post-op. I am praying that she will make it through without complications. Her Cardiologist told me that she feels that Suzi is strong enough & stable enough to withstand the anesthesia. She has been her patient since 2005. Suzi is still active and happy. You would never know that she was in CHF because it has been well-maintained with medication.

Thank you for sharing with me Karen. After reading what happened to you & your baby, I know I am making the right decision to do this as soon as possible. Please pray for my little Suzi-girl. Thank you.


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Re: Splenic MassKaren12:03:30 03/05/11 Sat

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