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Subject: Has anyone had this problem????

Valerie (help)
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Date Posted: 10:42:48 08/16/11 Tue

I have a 7 ½ year old hairy hairless Chinese crested male. I have had him for about 3 years now. In the past 3 months or so I have been to the vet to try to see what is wrong. They cannot figure it out. I go to a homeopathic vet as well as a regular vet. I have been to see 3 different vets. Two think it may be seizures and the one that owns a Chinese crested thinks it may be a nerve issue. I was wondering if you could tell me if you have seen any other cresteds with this problem.

He was sitting beside me on the couch one day and kept moving around like he couldn’t get comfortable and when I looked down I knew something was wrong. He wasn’t flailing around or anything just looked very uncomfortable and whimpering some. When I picked him up his body was stiff. His front legs were like they had a Charlie horse in them and he was shaking a little. He wasn’t “looking through me” or anything. He was there and I think knew something was happening. Since the first time it has happened again a few times. Each time that I saw it happen it was like he can’t walk. It just happened again yesterday and it was the same thing……I walked in the room and he was on the floor and he was not able to move his front legs. When I picked him up his front left leg was hard as a rock and he was shaking and whimpering. Another issue that we think is from jumping off of the couch is in the morning he cannot walk on his right hind leg. Once he gets up and moves around on it he can use it but it is like when he lays down for a period of time he has trouble putting weight on it. That is where the nerve issue comes in with the vet. I do not know if the two things are related but I don’t know what it can be. He seemed a lot better with walking on his leg when he was on the rimadyl but almost immediately went back to limping when he went off of it and he cannot stay on the because of the kidney and liver problems it can cause. I tried a few homeopathic remedies and it seems to be about the same, maybe a little better. We have done one acupuncture appointment and have another one this Friday but that didn’t seem to help this past week. He eats Wellness whitefish and sweet potato dry food (switched from Wellness small breed dry food because he kept eating our Labs food so I thought I would switch him to that instead) and Merrick canned food (different varieties) I have him on garlic and an all-natural spray (bug net or something like that) for fleas and ticks. I used to use the Frontline plus until I heard all of the things that can happen……..seizers being one of them. We tested him for limes disease and did x-rays. limes was negative and x-rays didn’t show any ruptured disks or anything like that. No arthritis either. I started giving him Missing link plus a few weeks ago thinking it would help with the joints but not sure if it is working. His nose runs a lot more than I remember and his eyes water more than normal. I don’t know if it is because of the pain or not but I love this guy more than anything and I can’t stand to see him in pain. Is there anyone who has had something like this happen and can tell me what is wrong?


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Re: Has anyone had this problem????Brenda Bregoli09:26:19 11/12/11 Sat
Re: Has anyone had this problem????Annette04:35:16 11/27/11 Sun

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