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Subject: Re: Problems with sound

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Date Posted: 15:13:45 08/17/00 Thu
In reply to: Ashot Bord 's message, "Re: Problems with sound" on 19:06:05 08/11/00 Fri

> Mario,
> If I undersood it correctly you implied that SOUND IS
> OK UNDER LINUX. If this is the case then I doubt that
> the chip or sound board is malfunctioning. I think the
> difference b/w sound under different operating systems
> is in drivers they use to control the sound card. So
> if you have no problems with sound under Linux -- then
> make sure you checked all Windows' driver-related ends
> and settings.

I am sorry my first message was confusing. I "inherited"
the Viviante XL from somebody who use to work here. He had
Linux installed and also put a Xircom Ethernet/Modem PC card. He told me that windows had problems and that they
got better disabling the sound, but he used mostly Linux.
I have checked and sound is also not working under Linux.
I am not sure if it is just disabled or I don't know how to
get it to work.

> Also you didn't mention whether this has been a
> problem since the very moment you bought your machine.
> If not then for how long you experience it and what
> could you do which possibly might change _windows_ or
> audio settings (install some games or software,
> tweaking with registry for example). If you computer
> crashes when using sound there might be a corrupted
> one of system dll's. So try to run SystemFileChecker
> from msinfo32.exe. There also might be wrong DMA or
> memory range allocated for sound driver, as a result
> of some game installation, you may have corrupted
> registry, disk error, finally you might have a Windows
> virus (not likely, but who knows..).

As far as I know, the problem has always been there.Not
much software has been intalled under Windows, so I doubt
that's where the problem is.
I tried SystemFileChecker and it did find some bad drivers,
but nothing on sound. After upgrading those I tried enabling
the sound again but no luck. I also tried disabling all
the drivers under 'Sound video and game controllers' but
one. No luck also. I removed the pc card but that didn't
help. I also cheked for conflicts in IRQs DMA and memory range allocations and all came out clean.
At least I am learning a great deal about windows!

> Again check the version of your present sound driver (
> use msinfo32.exe) I believe originally they're
> shipping it with v263, then try to REMOVE OLD DRIVER
> first, and reboot, to make sure it's indeed removed,
> if not then try to locate driver files and RENAME them
> just in case. And reboot again -- if it's clear then
> only install NEW drivers ( the most recent is v293,
> but I know no experience of using this one, but v285
> apparently works, so should and the original version
> too (most of us are still using the one).

I have tried several versions, but the error persits.
Sometimes the computer will not start, I checked and the
last things it does before it craches is loading the
maestro 2 drivers, specifically it seems to crash right
after the message 'DMA mode is DDMA' is printed out.
Shuting down the machine and waiting a few minutes before
restarting it makes the problem go away.

> You could also try to load WINDOWS in SAFE MODE.
> Another place to check is well-known C:\\AUTOEXEC.BAT
> and c:\\CONFIG.SYS maestro uses C:\\MAESTRO.COM and
> C:\\AECU.SYS for DOS sound support etc.
Windows in safe mode will not load the sound drivers,
so I am not sure how to use this.
All autoexec.bat does is to run maestro.com and the other
files are not readable, so I am not sure what to do with
these either.

> Anyway, don't cut system-driver-software issues before
> swithching your attention to hardware. Because the
> latter would brign no real solution (if hardware is
> bad -- you cannot use it (like you do now), if
> hardware is ok -- why you cannot use it (like you are
> now too?).

I am beggining to think more and more that this is a hardware problem ( I have tried everything! ). There
is another suggestion from JB, about turning off power
managment in the BIOS. He claims that fixed sound problems
on an SL. I don't have access to the machine right now, but
if that doesn't work I think it is time to give up. Just
turn off sound and live with it!

> Don't fall into despair, if you have any additional
> details let us know!
> Hope it helps.
> AB

Thank you so much for all your suggestions AB. It really
helps to know there are people willing to help with the
Viviantes. I am really greatful.


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Re: Problems with soundAshot Bord21:56:32 08/17/00 Thu

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