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Date Posted: 21:20:48 06/11/02 Tue
Author: Chaos and...someone.....
Subject: ~a figure enters the main chamber of Chaos's lair...~

~the figure walks into the center of the room, looking upward to find to the demon, picking at his nails on a ledge...~ Chaos:"Congradgulations! You are the first one to ake it here and NOT cheat. So you get to live. What do you want?" Figure:"I want to know what happened after my friend was taken to the cage on that fateful day years ago...." Chaos:"Huh? Just....just who are you?! How do you know about Project Cosmos?!" Figure:"You wouldnt remember me....you were so seperated from the other experimentees....I was a friend of Twelve's....I was Thirteen. I looked up to Twelve. And you." Chaos:"Do you have a name? Or do you bind yourself to your number?" Figure:"My name is Hiei. I have run from Cosmos ever since I saw what happened. I have been through all kinds of training camps, and have basically come here to hide." ~Chaos jumps down from the ledge, landing right in front of Hiei.....he considers him for a moment, then sticks out his hand to shake~ Chaos:"Its not very pleasant, but I suppose you can reside here. Any friend of Twelve's is a friend of mine." ~Hiei takes Chaos's hand and shakes it, the two staring at eachother for a moment...~ Hiei:"Im grateful. Most people hear my name and run...but for good reason...Be warned though. Im not as dark hearted as you. I helped that dragoness in the forest. I hope that isnt a problem for you. I like dragons." Chaos:"I dont care....bt do you kill?" Hiei:"Oh...of course." Chaos:"Well then that settles it. Friends." Hiei:"Friends." ~the two then perch themselves on opposite ledges, both seeming to consider one-another...quite a partner-ship this will be...Chaos's strength and stability, and Hiei's speed, agility, and extreme intelligence...(not kidding he is scary smart!)...~
((BTW wondering what Hiei sounds like? He has a voice like the supreme Kai from DBZ))

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