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Date Posted: 19:33:31 11/15/02 Fri
Author: DeepaD
Subject: Re: Things that annoy me about BetterBuffyFics
In reply to: bbf member 's message, "Things that annoy me about BetterBuffyFics" on 01:16:32 11/12/02 Tue

>2) The comments stating "It's a Spike/Spuffy/etc fic.
>What else is there?" See 1) for the
>Universe part.
I've heard complaints about this before, especially on LJs. I think we would all like to have other genres and pairings on the list and the archive, but there isn't much you can do about that except, well, rec them. And also, respond to stories that do get recced. Many recs simply fade away because they aren't seconded or discussed. It's really up to list members, since we aren't trying to influence the flavour of the month.
>3) This board. Since its (well meant I'm sure)
>creation this board has been promoted to us by a
>tad too annoying moderator, but it has no definite
>function. Is it for discussion and OT chatter
>which are now to be taken off the mailing list? Yes
>and no. They can still be posted on the
>mailing list. However the TTA moderator will point you
>to the board and "suggest" you take it
>over there, never mind that if you wanted to
>participate on a BBF message board you wouldn't
>have subscribed to the list. Or perhaps that's just me.

Hm. Well, OT chatter does sometimes get a little inundating, especially if it is about tape sharing, or interview announcements, or any other things that people sometimes feel like sharing. That's why the board was created, and for the record, I wasn't even a mod when that happened! I have been supporting it a little too zealously, but I think I've cut back. I only suggest discussions should move over here when they're getting really spoilery. Otherwise, I don't think I've ever stopped an on-topic discussion. If I have, sorry.
And oh - if you think I'm being annoying, why don't you mail me and let me know what bugs you? I'm supposed to be doing a job here, and if I'm not doing it right, you only have to let me know.
>4) Discussion of fics. Except for the recs discussion
>is so scarce that one might say it's non-
>existent. Presumably, this is due to the fact that the
>authors of the fics are subscribed to the
>group and their tender hearts may be shattered into
>million pieces by hearing something
>negative about their work. At best what one can say is
>"I don't like it, it's not for me". And
>heaven forbid you do say something harsher, then
>you'll become just like the meanies on TWoP.

A lot of what you say is something the list has collectively agree with. I think you've raised valid points, so why not post them to the list? It's definately on topic, and yeah, hardly anyone reads the board, so maybe you'll get some more response, and hopefully, the kind of reaction that you'd like.

Deepa D.

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[> Re: Things that annoy me about BetterBuffyFics -- lakrids, 15:07:58 11/16/02 Sat

My 25 øre of opinion

>1) The line "I can't believe this hasn't been recced
>before" No! Really? For those in the
>audience who live in a cave here is an interesting bit
>of information. Buffy fandom is huge,
>enormous and vast. It's not a mere fandom is an
>Universe. So if in your corner fic A is THE fic
>in my(his/her/our/their) corner it's not even a bleep
>on the radar. So if you want something
>recced do it yourself but spare us your rightful

I will put that comment in “The Pet Pewee” category, yes Buffy Fanfic stories is huge area, but the number of stories, that there are decently written and interesting, is quit small in my highly personal opinion. Which have never hold me back from reading stories that there are only halfway original idea behind and badly written story behind it and even enjoyed some of them. I am sick sick man. I could start with Rec all of stories from TDSOS or Rec all the old Halo award winners etc, and all off them could you write "I can't believe this hasn't been recced before", but I think that most people have read the "I can't believe this hasn't been recced before" stories, so it’s kind off redundant to post a rec for them, I think.

>2) The comments stating "It's a Spike/Spuffy/etc fic.
>What else is there?" See 1) for the
>Universe part.

Don’t you think, it was a semi ironic comment from the poster side?. I kind off hope it was.

>3) This board. Since its (well meant I'm sure)
>creation this board has been promoted to us by a
>tad too annoying moderator, but it has no definite
>function. Is it for discussion and OT chatter
>which are now to be taken off the mailing list? Yes
>and no. They can still be posted on the
>mailing list. However the TTA moderator will point you
>to the board and "suggest" you take it
>over there, never mind that if you wanted to
>participate on a BBF message board you wouldn't
>have subscribed to the list. Or perhaps that's just me.

No it’s not just you, I would like to see discussions of things that there are related to fanfic and writings I think it will make the a live. The moderator could then kick the discussion over here, if the same discussion goes on and on. And on, ( RPF ) or if people began to discus politics etc or asking for a beta reader J.

>4) Discussion of fics. Except for the recs discussion
>is so scarce that one might say it's non-
>existent. Presumably, this is due to the fact that the
>authors of the fics are subscribed to the
>group and their tender hearts may be shattered into
>million pieces by hearing something
>negative about their work. At best what one can say is
>"I don't like it, it's not for me". And
>heaven forbid you do say something harsher, then
>you'll become just like the meanies on TWoP.

I rec a story about 6 posts back, and it got some negative replies, which I knew there would come, because of the subject. That was alright with me, even if I thought that some of the critics missed the point of story, when they speed read the story in justified disgust. Ah well it was not the world best fanfic story anyway.

I also came with some critic of a story, where I didn’t like the writer use of a couple characters. The writer is an ok writer, that would say at least better than 90 % of the writer there out there. But I think that when you public comes out with a recommendation, should you also be prepared defend it public. But the problem with it public is that of course it is public. So about week after did I get a email from the writer, that thought it was a very harsh critic I came with and not correct. The writer tried tell me how he saw the characters interaction, and I tried to defend my view of the characters and critic I had came with, nothing new in that. I still think it was an honest critic I came with. But it was harsher ( a lot ) than I ever would have written, if I was writing the critic directly to the writer. So if I will write a critic of a story on the board again, will I hopefully write it in a way, so that the writer doesn’t feel insulted.


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[> [> Re: Things that annoy me about BetterBuffyFics -- Gyrus, 09:11:23 11/20/02 Wed

>1) The line "I can't believe this hasn't been recced

I can't speak for anyone else, but when I said this about Michael T.'s THE TRICK CHRONICLES, I did so because (a) the stories are so damn good, and (b) at the time I rec'ed it, the series was well over 2 years old. Given BBF's huge membership, you'd think someone would have spotted it before then.

>2) The comments stating "It's a Spike/Spuffy/etc fic.
>What else is there?" See 1) for the Universe part.

Gotta agree with that one. I'd have to think, too, that if a reader's focus is so narrow, the fics they rec will tend to be of lower quality, simply because they are fishing in a much smaller pond.

>3) This board. Since its (well meant I'm sure)
>creation this board has been promoted to us by a
>tad too annoying moderator, but it has no definite

It's a bit on the dead side, that's for sure. But discussion boards are like the stock market -- the more people participate, the more value it has.

>4) Discussion of fics. Except for the recs discussion
>is so scarce that one might say it's non-
>existent. Presumably, this is due to the fact that the
>authors of the fics are subscribed to the
>group and their tender hearts may be shattered into
>million pieces by hearing something
>negative about their work.

IMO, the rules for criticizing a story should be the same whether the author is reading the criticism or not -- be honest, specific, and respectful.

-- Gyrus

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[> [> Re: Things that annoy me about BetterBuffyFics -- Maquis Leader, 18:43:03 11/21/02 Thu

This caught my attention:

> I could
>start with Rec all of stories from TDSOS or Rec all
>the old Halo award winners etc, and all off them could
>you write "I can't believe this hasn't been recced
>before", but I think that most people have read the "I
>can't believe this hasn't been recced before" stories,
>so it’s kind off redundant to post a rec for them, I

It isn't redundant because some of us are new to Buffy fic. I've only been reading it for the past few weeks so what is an old hallowed story for you is something I've never even heard of. Please rec for us newbies!

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