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Date Posted: 09:45:59 02/14/03 Fri
Author: Elysia Nightfall
Subject: Elysia stepped forward, but her eyes burned darkly...
In reply to: Lord Bayloth 's message, ""A great honor you bestow upon me."" on 09:25:46 02/14/03 Fri

Lord Bayloth had summoned her forth, and Elysia came, but slower then she would have at a different time. Master Ki-Ami watched her, and felt something deeply wrong with the girl.

She bowed to Kor saying "Kor Nimbari, I am pleased to meet a fellow learner of the Jedi way. It has been far to long since I have met anyone who understood our ablities."

Kor bowed back to her, and she smiled at him. Yet, watching her, Lord Bayloth felt a sudden sting, like something dark had taken root in her being. And she set that same smile upon Master Ki-Ami and bowed lightly.

"A pleasure to meet you Master Ki-Ami. Your temple is exceptional."

Ki-Ami seemed pleased by the flattery, but only took it at arms lenght. He knew the pit falls of growing to love oneself too much and was warry of the girls actions. She seemed to be acting honest in her ways, but there was an underlying layer that Bayloth had yet to perice, and it bothered him. Why would the girl chose to wear black and blue, rather then brown and white of the noble robes of the Jedi. He pondered if this was some way of her subconiously signaling that she was steping over the line that divided dark from light.

Elysia then turned to her Master with a differnt smile, one that masked something very different. "Master? I beg of you a question. Would it be wrong for me to ask Kor here if he would spar with me? I know you have trained me well, but as, you have said, that you need longer rests then I do, I thought that two young learners could learn something from one another. No tricks."

Bayloth looked at her for a moment, trying hard to decifer if she was truely being honest. That it was going to be a fair sparing and not a trick the likes she played on him using her pheramons as a way to weaken his stance. Her eyes were cloudy, but there was still some good in them that showed she was being honest about a fair fight. And just maybe having a person who was learning as she was could help her keep that good in her. He inclined his head slightly, then looked at Ki-Ami and Kor asking.

"What do you say Master Ki-Ami? Do you think our two learners could mach eachother in a fair fight?"

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