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Subject: so now you're a hippy???LOL

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Date Posted: 13:27:05 11/07/00 Tue
In reply to: James 's message, "The Drug War" on 22:28:29 11/06/00 Mon

HAH! James you are too funny. You want to end the war on drugs? So lets just let the drug dealers and gangsters run our lives now. These people are evil and they need to be stopped. We need to escalate the war on drugs. We need more searches, more busts, more everyting. We should increase spending on the drug war! even if we have to raise taxes!!!!

> Well I get your drift. I wouldn't just want to kill
> right off, but eventually and slowly return those
> powers of regulation that are not granted to the
> Federal Government to the states.
> For instance, why do drugs have to be illegal? If we
> get rid of the DEA we can stop wasting our money on
> drug legislation that doesnt' work. We can stop
> invading peoples homes and stop risking the lives of
> people who for any other reason are law-abiding. Now
> get this. We de-illegalize drugs and something weird
> will happen. No more black market!! which means drug
> prices will be lowered because you can sell them in
> plain view and not get in trouble. Automatically crime
> would drop, because of the legality of the drugs. Also
> the drug lords now who murder and fight over territory
> will be forced into legitimate work that depends on
> competition rather than harassment and gang war. All
> the money made off drug sales will then be able to be
> done with credit, checks, over the internet, credit
> cards, and the economy will benefit. Also the money
> now made in drugs can be put to better use by going
> into banks and investments where it can't right now
> for fear of being traced. Then we can also tax this
> very lurcetive business!
> Now the morality of the issue comes into play. And to
> that my answer is. If you don't want to do it, then
> don't. Justy like cigarrets or alchohol, these drugs
> are harmful yes. But nobody cares if you drink or
> smoke do they? And the same laws would apply for these
> drugs that are akin to drunk driving and public health
> hazards.
> Lets face it the war on drugs is rediculous. It is a
> big fat failure and it's high time America got the
> point. Just like prohibition, it has failed. the only
> people that profit from the illgality of drugs are the
> drug dealers themselves.

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Subject Author Date
Re: so now you're a hippy???LOLfate_77713:40:30 11/07/00 Tue
Im a Hippycrit.Terry07:36:17 11/08/00 Wed

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