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Subject: Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and England

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Date Posted: 22:27:27 11/08/00 Wed
In reply to: Donny 's message, "we should model Canada, Austrailia, and England" on 22:21:46 11/08/00 Wed

> Hello?????? How are you going to shoot me when there
> are no guns? DUMBASS!!!!
> Donny

With his guns you idiot...BEFORE YOU TAKE THEM AWAY!!! You have to get to his house knock down his foor, walk over to his guns and take them. But before that I'm sure he'll take a few of your nazi-ass friends down before you are forced to shoot him yourself. Hey and incidently which would make YOU the bad guy. Because if that happened, Terry would only be defending his CONSTITUTIONAL right to own arms and YOU would be infringing upon that right. And since you would be forced to kill him I assume with guns, then YOU would become the bad guy that you hate so much.

So there fuck you nazi liberal ass thinking. You want to get rid of all the freedom in america so you can have some fantasy utopian world? Well HAH!! It ain't happenin' pal! So you can take you totalitarian ass out of my country and forget you were ever my countryman. Go to China where they run you over with tanks just for protesting. have a nice time.

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Subject Author Date
James, it is called hypicrism.Terry23:28:55 11/08/00 Wed
Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and EnglandJohn14:05:40 01/27/02 Sun
Re: we should model Canada, Austrailia, and Englandnate17:48:41 05/11/02 Sat

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