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Subject: Re: we need to ban all guns!!

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Date Posted: 23:45:20 07/31/04 Sat
In reply to: Patrick 's message, "Re: we need to ban all guns!!" on 01:25:10 12/21/02 Sat

What? You mean criminals, who make a living out of breaking the law, wont turn in their guns and get jobs? You mean that having a gun to ward off an attacker would no longer be neccesary because there would be no more armed attackers? Wow! We should have banned rape, murder, robbery, terrorism, war, etc. years ago by saying that it was all against the law, so you simply can't do it anymore! But of course we could just ban guns and end all crime, of course, that would work. Hey, when did we invent crime anyway????? It must have been before we invented bans.
>>again I disagree. We need to get rid of all guns in
>>America. Guns have killed too many people! The drug
>>dealers all have guns and we need to get them off the
>>streets! All guns are bad and we need to stop them! If
>>we got rid of guns we will lower crime!!
>Donny you are a true idiot! I admit you have good
>intentions, but sadly you [i]are[/i] an idiot. If we
>got rid of all guns as you propose, the only people
>that are going to have guns are the drug dealers you
>spoke of soi fondly. Do you honestly think that
>someone that is an outstanding citizen like a drug
>dealer is going to just hand over his guns??? WAKE UP
>Taking the guns away from the law abiding citizens of
>this country will only get the law abiding citizens
>killed. You said something about guns killing people.
>Hey stupid! A gun could sit on a counter for a
>thousand years and never hury a single person. Now
>someone picks it up and shoots another person. (I'll
>type this slowly so your retarded eyes can read it!) T
>h a t i s N O T t h e g u n ' s f a u l t ! ! ! !

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