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Subject: Hijacking

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Date Posted: 18:17:21 08/01/04 Sun
In reply to: Sickie 's message, "Re: we need to ban all guns!!" on 23:45:20 07/31/04 Sat

America has had a huge problem with airplane hijackings. Why? Because terrorists (defined as people who use fear to spread control of their victims) know they have a duck pond to shoot into on a tight airplane with no escape.

If on September 11th you had had three terrorists armed with nothing more than box cutters who were attempting to cow passengers on an airplane and pilots were armed, imagine what would happen. You have a set of men with high speed, high impact weapons trained to use them to stop idiots armed with tiny blades.

The first arguement is "some innocent passenger could get hurt!" Well guess what folks, in the name of security ALL of the passengers got hurt because the pilots could do nothing!

However, if we trusted our pilots like we trust our law enforcement officers, two or three shots could have killed the terrorists and sent at the very least a majority of passengers home to their families instead of making final phone calls which tore their families to shreds. Why is it that this country will not come to it's senses and realize that arming the good guys is the same as arming cops, and attempts to disarm simply cut down on armed good guys while protecting the bad ones?

Children and guns? It's not the guns, it's lousy parenting, which will never be cured. The last child I heard of dying died from abuse and malnutrition.

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