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Subject: New Game - Gangster's Paradise!

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Date Posted: 08:41:22 06/23/03 Mon

Great new human rpg! Its called Gangster's Paradise and its for all the bad human characters we have. If your the goodie goodie type of player dont join this one but if you want to bring out the evil side in you it is great!


Read the rules before you join!

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Subject: The end of the West

Seek to Survive
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Date Posted: 14:45:16 08/05/03 Tue

»Seek to Survive

Welcome to No-Man's Land, the peaceful setting between the snow-capped mountains and parched deserts of the west. Where the miles and miles of plans are home to only the rugged cowboy and his beastly brethren, the horse. Both exist peacefully together, as they depend on each other. The land the horses roam is owned by the cowboys, and they in turn give up some of their kind to the two-legged, and as the cowboys train the horses they've captured, the ones that are still wild continue to roam the cattle's grazing lands.

Join a race in the last place where the west lives on, where saloon brawls and round-ups co-exist with territory battles and mare claiming. Where two species help each other, unintentionally.
Come to the west, and Seek To Survive.

layout and picture by D.Z

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Subject: <font face=papyrus color=navy>.Q.W.E.R.T. Awards for anything RP</font>

<font color=maroon>..::KiKi::..</font>
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Date Posted: 10:19:48 07/03/03 Thu

..Do you think your site has what it takes?..

..How about the sites owner?..

..Or that original layout that it has?..

..then enter your site in the .Q.W.E.R.T. Awards for anything RP! (including studios)..

..enter here..

(opens in a new window)

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Subject: gosh

old play
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Date Posted: 23:31:28 06/25/03 Wed

this game was WAY better befor, when ppl, actully would join, and go to other boards other then the lobby! so ya cara, u did all that work for shit all!

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Subject: Studio

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Date Posted: 23:35:01 06/28/03 Sat

A Drop of Water

Falling to the ground

The unseen Vanishing before your eyes

TheCrying of the World

Let Go

The Flowers Slowly die

Voices around you,

Whispering Out

The Mysteries Start To Unfold

The Thunder Roars Around Your Ear

Lightening Strikes Close to Your Side

Falling From The Sky

Is Not The Rain

But the Dreams Surrounding

Those Are

The Tear Drops

Of All Lives

to get our

Tear Drops Of Life


[Opens New Window]

TearDropsOfLife is a New Studio. Come Check Us out! We JUST Opened May 24th!


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Subject: [. La la LA .. new layout , and change in the lobby.]

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Date Posted: 18:19:17 06/20/03 Fri

[.i did a new layout ... summer fun . thanks to the suggestion from trish . i have noticed that the lobby isn't working so i made it on another service.]

click it here

{or copy that one}

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Subject: [new layout]

c a r a
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Date Posted: 18:53:44 04/28/03 Mon

[any feedback on the new layout ? .. too big , too small , too confusing?]

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  • word. -- Fox, 22:05:46 05/01/03 Thu
Subject: I QUIT

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Date Posted: 10:13:04 04/26/03 Sat

My players are


The reason y, this site was saposed to be different for the other one, but it is the exact same no one goes to anyother boards but that one.

if u want to talk more post here or e-mail me at jaded_huntress@hotmail.com, with cff in the subject

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Subject: test

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Date Posted: 08:38:46 04/20/03 Sun

.:.female enters the room and looks around notice the mass emptyness, assuming most were with family on easter/passover, she sighs and sits on a couch her white skirt sliding up about 1/2 and inch she pulls it back down brown ocli scan the room for anyone alone on the holidays like herself not seeing anyone she watches out the window still watching the room out of the corner of her eye waiting for anyone worth talking to to arrive

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Subject: I vote for Crimson

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Date Posted: 18:27:01 04/12/03 Sat

i vote for crimson, she's very nice *all positions*

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Subject: testing

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Date Posted: 13:32:42 04/13/03 Sun

the girls:












the boys:








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Subject: t e s t i n g

t o n i
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Date Posted: 22:30:01 04/09/03 Wed


t o n y a .leigh. p h i l l i p s

{.call me.}

t o n i


t w e n t y .two. y e a r s {ooc:birthday unknown}


m u l i e b r a l{female}


b o n a f i d e b l o n d e .. unrestrained unruly party girl . mess with me , i mess with you . a first opinion is always the last .. take the time to rethink your opinion . to the naked eye , the girl seems dull 'n' reserved . gess again . an outgoing , fun personality might pop out .. beware . surf 'n' sun any true floridian's quaesitum . sun-bleached blonde locks and dusky bronze pelt a dead giveaway to beach bum 'tude . pikachu i choose .. oh wait .. that guy's gorgeous . t o n i is a hopeless romantic , a give-in to any dark mysteryous boys . despite the bubbly side , she's deep , might be said as .. mysterious . a t o u g h cookie to crack , she doesn't stand for being pushed around and will fight when encouraged.


s u p e r m o d e l i n t h e m a k i n g . small-framed vix stands 'bout 5'5' . rogued cheeks adorn beau heart-cast facade . little muscle tonage 'n arms , legs , or thighs . well-toned abdomen and breech make for prevalent bare midriff . natural bronze pelt and straight flaxen tresses complete the look . classic black-frame glasses worn on occasion {e.i. reading , writing , etc.} . ambrosial baby blues cold soften the harshest of hearts . lithe doesn't care much about style , but how comfortable she is . unruly black strieks sometimes adorn platinum mussed crown .


a t o u g h o n e . she grew up affluently , with a well-to-do family and private beach .. no to mention condo . her generates were wealthy criminal justice lawyers . t o n i , one o' two daughters whom have remained very close despite hardships , etc . when tonya was 16-ish her parents turned up in a fortuity , including a few others . on the way home from a party on a mist - ridden eve the vesicle collided with another , killing the pair , plus two more .. unknown souls . t o n i was left 'n care with a foster family , and seperated from her unfleged sister , still only a youth . by legal gov't maturity caducity , she found her sibling and pulled her 'nto her care . i-think-i-can got the pair by for a couple years , until c a r a was to legality herself . alone again . thus bringing the tenacious vixen to you . here . now . forever . within the darkest years after the doom o' her parents , she was brought 'nto drugs and sex , often both together .. leaving herself deflowered and anarchy bound . fuck mediocraty .. who wants to be the same as everyone else ?

{.joining post.}

p e t i t e hoyden exotica pushes through gateway sluggishly . it'd been a matter of time since she'd been anywhere , obviously . vix plods o'er to plush couch establishing seat comfortably . baby blue orbs dance 'round dwelling quickly , focusing 'pon few to no males 'round . ah , single 'n' lovin' it .. who would be her first victim . come and get it boys . now off to the races ... i'm ready to run . would this be the place of shelter for this nomadic beauty ? perhaps . it all depended 'pon fun , money , emotions , and men .. a must have for most girls . only a dream off in the distance , she is far from being most girls . a broken heart is hard to mend , ifn't impossible .

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Subject: que el hank?

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Date Posted: 19:18:54 04/07/03 Mon

who are the candidates for this election deal? and where do i "read the rules" and whatnot?

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  • {.oh dear.} -- c a r a, 14:01:32 04/08/03 Tue
    • er... -- Fox, 19:53:53 04/09/03 Wed
Subject: Black Verity Studio

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Date Posted: 17:46:40 04/07/03 Mon

The truth was black and faded
Not very long ago
The light was scarce and blurry
Just a tiny glow.

But now the light's returning
And getting brighter still
For all who have been waiting
For a newer kind of skill

You need not wait any longer
For light to finally be
The light has now returned
To Black Verity.

Black Verity Studio is a thriving personalization studio going into its third version. It has an active staff and high level of talent. Picture Personalizing, HTML Layouts, Poetry, Picture Finding.

Black Verity | version 3.0: Enlighten

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  • umm -- ..., 21:25:39 04/07/03 Mon
Subject: I Vote For Val

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Date Posted: 17:40:37 04/07/03 Mon

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Subject: --> quickie

*original name
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Date Posted: 16:20:01 04/06/03 Sun

- so sorry | i truly apologize but i need to get word out about this game | we need more males [haha] -

link -> http://www.geocities.com/wildcatsrpg/enter.html

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Subject: <font face=Tahoma size=1 color=green><b>[cara here keeping YOU updated ! -wink-]

<font face=Tahoma size=1 color=green><b>cara
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Date Posted: 13:09:30 03/29/03 Sat

whew .. okay people . this is the only board that i know of that isn't completely trashed , and available to mostly everyone . okay .. here's the dealio . my counterpart [trish] and i are doing a clean up on cff .. we made a whole new web address for it , and are doing major major work . i put in a proposal to tina to delete the other two sections since they're rarely EVER used , and to those of you great players that are active and following the rules , i'm really really sorry that it's come to that . if it really bugs you that it's going to be deleted , please let me know . my email is o0cara0o@aol.com . i really need to know , so i'm not this big bad guy that ruined your life . in the new cff it's really different . as proposed by fox , the 'horsieness' was tamed a little , but just for those of you wonderful people (katie and her posse and val , lisa , that actually own horses) .. there's a barn , and going to be active sales .

.. so if thats it .. check out the new layout .. the rest should be up in a couple of days .. click here

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Subject: Re: Testing

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Date Posted: 23:33:30 04/03/03 Thu

testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing testing

horse stats here horse stats here horse stats here horse stats here horse stats here horse stats here horse stats here

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Subject: Id like to address a rule

Allens Player
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Date Posted: 07:31:35 03/31/03 Mon

(x)No brutality please . I know how you like being beat up by your brothers friends cousins boyfriends , but get real people . This isn't a trailer trash soap opera , it's virtual life .. your one chance to have a perfect life , don't go and be dramatic . This is including rape , if you want to join a character and they're raped , don't tell everyone . And don't POST the assault on the boards !

Do you think only soap operas have violent crimes?? There are violent crimes in real life lots of them no matter were you live. So realisticly they would happen. It gets boring saying oh they went to the male of they went swimming at the beach. When your on everyday it gets really boring. So you make up muggings and stuff like that. It keeps it interesting. My character personally is a hitman. Sure he doesnt go around killing people daily and he doesnt usually kill people at the farm (With there permission if he does of course) But that ruins his whole characters if he has to be like yay i go to the mall yay I go to the beach. Get my point?? Life isnt all happy go lucky nothing bad ever happens. My point is lets go for realism and change this rule!!

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Subject: hey question

val! lol
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Date Posted: 13:04:07 03/31/03 Mon

Can we make barns?

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Subject: Hey question

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Date Posted: 10:51:07 03/29/03 Sat

ITs a favour i know we won't be using that board anymore, but would u guys mind updating the Meeting Board, or giving me the password for it, theres something i wrote that i want to see, Thanks, if want to give me the password u can e-mail me it at Jaded_huntress@hotmail.com or snowboardsx27@hotmail.com, if u want u can add me to u'r msn as well! lol thanks a ton!

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Subject: my three cents

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Date Posted: 18:42:06 02/01/03 Sat

alright, i know that rebuilding a site takes a buttload of time, but if you don't get it back up soon, there are going to be an awful lot of people who desert this game. i know there weren't many to begin with, but i'm sure we've already lost a lot of them. you've had that message up on the main page for WEEKS with no update. and i know you can't work on the site ever waking moment of your day... but you can't just delete everything and leave people hanging like that.

meanwhile, people on the lobby board continue to exist as if nothing happened... so you might as well delete the whole "game"... because it doesn't really exist outside of the lobby

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Subject: Damn voy..

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Date Posted: 04:24:51 03/16/03 Sun

I think some of the msg boards have been deleated. The lobby doesnt work and some of the others. I know Voy was temporarily shutdown yesterday.

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Subject: hey guys

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Date Posted: 08:29:41 01/22/03 Wed

well-if ya can get this place running again-I'm willing to help!!

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Subject: boards fo' sale

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Date Posted: 18:42:25 01/16/03 Thu

hey guys, i've got about 15 or so old boards that i can clear. all for the low low price of free! if anyone wants them, tell me, and i'll get you the passwords n' such

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Subject: testing

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Date Posted: 21:16:48 01/11/03 Sat


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Subject: Fox...

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Date Posted: 14:42:26 01/06/03 Mon

Hey i gots a question, can i have u'r permetion to ask ppl in the lobby wut they think should be done to liven up cff? I would ask here but like no one reads it here!

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Subject: - as told by me -

hope [ff- bgm]
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Date Posted: 04:56:25 01/05/03 Sun

i certainly think that any sort of point systems might work and help people become a little more active . breeding , challenging , races , god versus evil battles , and ALSO awards and extra points for winners of fight . a banner could be made and shared between FF and DF .. being that whomever wins raids will take the banner , and have it on their main page . also i think that the html should be alot ...... fancier ? maybe not TOO fancy , but this html has gotta go . the frames should be CHANGED TO GEOCITIES , as proposed by someone before, but fox didn't agree with the idea or something , but it's about time that FOX let the other officials help out a little [ We All Love You Fox sweetie , but WE wanna help out a little too ] ! also , activeness checks should be carried out regularly , in order to keep member lists , etc up to date . also a horse name and picture reserving board , and seperate one for humans should be put into order . also i think all message boards should be fixed like CFF's lobby board , where HTML in replys are useable . i'd be happy to help with any of these things by the way ... ALSO i think that the joining boards should be erased , to have everyone re-join , since there are tons of horses that post as newly joined but never post again . feel free to email me if you have anymore suggestions .. i'll put things into order and help out a bit , and i will also try to email tina and get her okay.

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  • 'kay... -- Fox, 13:45:53 01/11/03 Sat
Subject: <font color=gold>The Realm</font>

<font color=gold>~*~Sky~*~</font>
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Date Posted: 18:54:32 01/06/03 Mon


• Imagination
• Patients
• Capable of Following Rules
• Follow Rules
• Able to have FUN!

..|.. Where Anything is Possible ..|..

Here at The Realm we pride ourselves on our no skipping policy, friendly staff and customers, as well as our work.
We produce top quality work quickly and according to what is asked of us.
Please drop by and see for yourself. We are ready to help at any time.


• Complex and
• Picture Finding
•Poems/ Catch phrases

..|.. Enter ..|..
The Realm

Copy and Paste

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Subject: {. complaint - sorta - kinda - not really .}

«. lauryn
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Date Posted: 05:56:15 12/27/02 Fri

«. having returned my stallion tiszon to dark falls i am in utter shock that no one, excluding sharika remains. cyclone had always been a good king, i love him to death as well as tiszon, and dont get me wrong on this - but wouldnt it be time for a new leader? here's my question; would it be possible to allow either hellbound (the prince whom i also play) or tiszon take the thrown or atleast until cyclone returns? if i were allowed to have this happen i can promise you a new flow of members joining as i would take it as my job to bring forwards new horses and such and perhaps remodel dark falls completely. please, get back to me on this and dont think of this as snotty or arrogant in any fashion; i truly didnt mean for it to come off as that if it did .»


email ->uwouldntbelieveit@hotmail.com
aim ->crazylorane
msn ->uwouldntbelieveit[@hotmail.com]

note-> my contacts are listed for the use by the officials - not anyone else, unless of course i like you

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  • YES -- Val, 14:39:03 12/31/02 Tue
  • i think -- Fox, 20:24:10 01/04/03 Sat
Subject: test

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Date Posted: 11:17:32 12/28/02 Sat

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Subject: .x. Sendiri .x.

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Date Posted: 23:04:42 12/27/02 Fri

Set aside from the world, hidden away, just miles off the coast of Wella, Sendiri settles, breathes, bustles with activity. The name, meaning "Alone" in the Indonesian language, was chosen by the ruler of Sendiri, Amanak, a strong spirited, iron willed woman of 21 from the Lanai region of Hawaii. A beach within an island, Sendiri encompasses a vast inland shore of white sand and clear water. As well as being cut off from mainland and society, Sendiri remains self contained, it's lush jungle and democratic ocupants observe that all things run smoothly and without a glitch. Everything about it beckons to the individual's soul. The freedom, the solitude.. the society, it calls to the inner spirit of each and every person that longs to break from normalcy, to break from conformity, that longs to break.


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Subject: test

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Date Posted: 18:42:18 12/21/02 Sat

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Subject: test

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Date Posted: 18:36:56 12/21/02 Sat


http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp178.jpg -flag-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp19.jpg -blue-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp21.jpg -blue hot-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp255.jpg -blue smile-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp256.jpg -blue hot smile-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp259.jpg -blue sweet-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp262.jpg -hottie-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp267.jpg -what?-

http://www.lawrencebrothersonline.com/pictures/Matt/jshp293.jpg -hmm-

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Subject: pic test

Mallory, and Mandie
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Date Posted: 12:31:50 12/21/02 Sat

Mallory Lawton





dark hair


pink w/ pole

all blue

pink w/ rail


orange bk

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Subject: k this is for "CF Jewlers"

Val (the one who is making the thing for it!)
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Date Posted: 14:48:52 11/28/02 Thu

K i have a banner sorta thing more like pic i have one still coming, but these two were made so far and i'm picing wut one i like the best and here they are, please tell me wut one u guess like the best seeing as it's for CFF! lol

Pic #1:

Pic #2:

I like the 2nd one so far the best but wut about u guys?

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Subject: *new member*

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Date Posted: 12:58:05 12/01/02 Sun

Hey, I already checked the name board to make sure the name wasn't taken, so I'd like to add the name Hunter Lawton. thanx :)

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Subject: cool sayings n fonts

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Date Posted: 13:56:37 12/04/02 Wed

*No guy is worth your tears & when you find one that is, he won't make you cry*

*Everyone says you only fall in love once but that’s not true, every time I hear your voice I fall in love all over again*

*When I first saw you I was afraid to talk to you*When I first talked to you I was afraid to like you*When I first liked you I was afraid to love you*Now that I love you I’m afraid to lose you*

*It's better to let someone think you are an Idiot than to open your mouth and prove it*

*Some day you'll cry for me like I cried for you
Some day you'll miss me like I missed you
Some day you'll need me like I needed you
Some day you'll love me, but I wont love you*

*It’s a girls world and guys just live in it*

*If You Love Me... Let Me Know... If You Don't... Then Let Me Go...*

*People are going to talk about you especially when they envy you and the life you live...let them... you affected their lives...they didnt affect yours*

*4get the times you walked by* 4get the times you made me cry* 4get the time you held my hand *4get the sweet things if I can*I can no longer pretend*I got to remember now your just my friend.*

*Friends are like stars they come and go but the one’s that stay are the one's that glow*

*If I could be an angel, I'd make your every wish come true, but I am only human, Just a girl who's loving you*

*You know you’re in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye*

*For all of u who want to talk behind my back, thanks 4 making me the center of your pathetic world*

*Spiteful words hurt your feelings but silence breaks your heart*

*If The Only Possible Way We Can Be Together Is In My Dreams...Then I'll Sleep Forever*

*Be more concerned about your character than your reputation because your character is who you are and your reputation is what others think of you*

*A heart is not a play thing ~ A heart is not a toy ~ But if you want it broken...just give it to a boy*

*A girl and a guy can be just friends, but at one point or another they will fall for each other... maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever...*

*If You Want Me To Fall 4 You...You Got To Give Me Something Worth Tripping Over*

*I Don’t Need Your Attitude, I Have One Of My Own*

*Don't ever be afraid to come to me and cry*
*Don't ever hesitate to look me in the eye*
*Don't ever be afraid to tell me how you feel*
*Remember you’re my girls and we got to keep it real*

*Friendship is just a word but my girls give it a meaning*

*Once Upon a Time*
*Something Happened To me*
*It was the Sweetest Thing*
*That ever could be*
*It was a Fantasy*
*A dream Come True*
*It was the Day I Met You*

*This time it's over, I'm keeping my heart, I’m going to be strong & not fall apart... It'll get better, I'll no longer cry... In a couple of weeks, I wont want 2 die, I won't want 2 go back, I'll be able 2 sleep, It won't hurt so bad, & it won't feel so deep*

*Click your heels and say, "I need a life, I need a life"*

*I'm not supposed to love you; I'm not supposed to care,
I'm not supposed to live my life, wishing you were there.
I'm not supposed to wonder where you are or what you do,
I'm sorry I just can't help myself, I fell in love with you*

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Subject: hum de dum

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Date Posted: 19:21:31 11/16/02 Sat

just seeing what html i neber new about




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Subject: argh!

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Date Posted: 16:28:38 11/14/02 Thu

Lol ok i know u have heard it many times and its proble anooying but its buging the hell out of me! K y aren't ppl active in any other part of the game other than the "lobby!" God! an a few other places in downtown! u know wut i think u should delect the lobby board and put up another one and don't tell anyone! so ya then u'll know how many ppl actully come to the frames thing! but hey thats my lil thing! and about that horse compition thing, wut should the team name be and for the officials to decide wut the colors should be! i'm thinking white and blue cause thats pretty much wut freedom falls2 v.2.0. is! lol

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  • ack.. foiled again -- Fox, 15:58:26 11/15/02 Fri
    • ya! -- Val, 10:13:43 11/16/02 Sat
      • blah.. -- Fox, 20:23:02 11/16/02 Sat
        • lol -- Val, 14:49:05 11/18/02 Mon
Subject: Hey Fox Tina and all the official i have a question that may even help the game out and be sorta fun

The Canadian Krew
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Date Posted: 11:11:40 11/02/02 Sat

K i play in this other game that is just horses like it doesn't have a down town and stuff and it is like making a riding team and they are going to try and get compitions going against other games for like anything really english, westurn, bareback i think and stuff and i think that we should get like a riding team going, i can make the board and stuff if u want and if may get more ppl joining, and maybe more ppl having to do stuff with horses in stead of just the lobby! i think it would be fun the url to that site i got the idea from is http://www.geocities.com/silverbrumbykingdom/kerrabee.html if you want to cheak it out to get a better idea of it!!

Love ya all The Canadian Krew

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Subject: --

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Date Posted: 14:49:37 11/06/02 Wed


.Want to see what talent has been h:Dden for so long?
.We have some of the top of the line personalizers out there and have high standards.
.Come see what the new generation wants.
.prepare to be amazed.
.Awesome Owners.
.Awesome layout.

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Subject: Girls, girls everywhere

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Date Posted: 16:18:02 11/04/02 Mon

Wow... my subject says it all. At Crystal Falls Farm, we have a gazillion girls! Even girls with guy names!

Oh, and before someone says something about the fact that they had guys that no one ever talked to so they quit them... they didnt count! They were gay!

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Subject: pics

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Date Posted: 16:12:06 11/02/02 Sat

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Subject: To Anyone concerned..

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Date Posted: 11:19:22 10/27/02 Sun

I aint allowed on the computer Monday to Thursdays because i have big exams starting 25th November and i have studying to do. I am allowed on at the weekends though. Really sorry about this!

My CFF characters: Tim, Kym, Faith, Emily, Sarah, James, Mark, Kyle, Crystal, Lucy and Jo!

Horses: Whisper and Angel.

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Subject: question

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Date Posted: 13:26:47 10/19/02 Sat

Anyone know of any other good VLs?

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Date Posted: 17:38:27 10/23/02 Wed

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Subject: i'm still not up on the member list after a month! :(

Rhea Morgan
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Date Posted: 11:07:38 10/06/02 Sun

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Subject: *hey*

Sammy's player
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Date Posted: 18:17:22 10/04/02 Fri

I think we should have a high school or at least some place for undergrad students to study! I know not many players who are that young but there are a few and i think if you make one then there will be more people who play undergrads!

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  • hhhmm -- Fox, 15:59:13 10/05/02 Sat
Subject: . i've gone mad .

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Date Posted: 13:19:02 10/03/02 Thu

. what's with all the fricking spam posting ? . it's driving me batty . i have to scroll for 5 minutes to get to the IMPORTANT stuff! . maybe some people care about what the ( other ) officials say? i know you guys spent alot of time typing and/or cutting and pasting this little things , but i'm asking nicely .. PLEASE CUT IT OUT .. it's extremely annoying for me , and i'm sure it is for other people as well ! . now play nice kiddies .. i love you all .

. this has been another of cara's two cents .

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Subject: test

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Date Posted: 13:51:36 10/01/02 Tue

<#365FFF> test
<#85974F> test
<#764953> test
<#56FFFF> test
<#888FFF> test
<#222FFF> test

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Subject: dood

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Date Posted: 15:26:15 09/29/02 Sun

(In Taipei, Will is dragged into a room by two guards. The doors to the room are very similiar to the ones in he torture room in the pilot, so it could be he same room Sydney was in. They throw Will down on a chair and handcuff his ankles to the legs and handcuff his wrists. His face is swollen and bruised. His left eye is swollen shut and blue. Sark follows them in and nods to the guards. They leave Sark and Will alone.)
SARK: My employer instructed me to keep you alive... but not comfortable. So, I'll ask you once. What is the circumference? And how do you know about it?
WILL: Listen to me, man. There's been a major misunderstanding here. I don't know what the circumference is. Do you understand me? I don't know.
(Sark nods and turns. He leaves. Just like in the pilot, we get closer on those doors. They suddenly burst open and the gentleman from that episode walks in. A guard comes in with him and grabs Will by his hair. He yanks his head back.)
WILL: Aahh!
(They pry open his mouth with a clamp. The man leans in close. Will's eyes get wide.)

(Back home, Sydney is just waking up. She sits up in bed. Francie comes in with some sheets in a folder and sits down next to her bed.)
FRANCIE: I'm opening a restaurant.
FRANCIE: Screw it. I have to open a restaurant. I just decided.
SYDNEY: How--what are you talking about?
FRANCIE: I feel like I've been sitting around, waiting for my life to start. My ass is on that couch, like, twelve hours a day.
SYDNEY: Francie, you're about to graduate from business school...
FRANCIE: Yeah, but then what? I don't have a plan. Here's a plan.
SYDNEY: Where is it? Do you already have a place?
FRANCIE: Yeah. It's in Silver Lake. I'm not even sure what it's going to be yet, but--
(Syndey's cell phone rings. She gets up out of bed and answers it.)
SYDNEY: Hello?
SARK: Sydney Bristow.
SARK: I'm calling on this line because I know it's untraceable. Listen to me very carefully. We have your friend and we plan to kill him... unless you do the following. There's a document recently stolen from a nightclub in Paris. It belongs to my employer. Now, it appears to be a blank page and it has a great value to him. He wants it back, along with a certain container of liquid. I believe you are familiar with the items to which I am referring?
(Sydney is crying. She tries to answer firmly, as if she isn't.)
SYDNEY: Yes. I am.
WILL: SYD! Don't listen to him! Don't do anything for me!
SARK: You have forty-eight hours. There's an alleyway in Taipei at Ho Ping and Ryuian. Be there Tuesday at midnight.

(On the pier, Sydney and Jack meet. She's crying.)
SYDNEY: The CIA has the page Khasinau wants. SD-6 has the ampule. You and I could get them both and just turn them over.
JACK: We can't afford to blindly hand the enemy something he wants so desperately.
SYDNEY: I don't know much about you. Do you have any close friends? I mean, people that you love?
JACK: I don't need a lecture on friendships to understand what's at stake here. And while I might look at scenarios more strategically than emotionally, you could learn something from my experience. The Rambaldi document Khasinau wants -- he can't make the ink on that page visible without the vial of liquid, the ampule. Reading that page is so important to Khasinau that he risked sending a team into SD-6 to try and steal it.
SYDNEY: You want to get the page and the ampule and see for ourselves what that page is?
JACK: We can't strategize our next move without that information.
(A few minutes later, Jack has his laptop out and he's typing.)
JACK: Getting the ampule from he CIA storage facility should be straightforward. It's recovering the page that I'm concerned about. It was moved to the SD-6 off-site lab for analysis. The lab is on a former military site near Santa Barbara. It's surrounded by water. You'll have to get in through the drainage system and access requires Sloane's voice ID and fingerprints.
(Her pager goes off.)
SYDNEY: It's Vaughn.
JACK: Khasinau knew about the safehouse. He must have someone on the inside.
SYDNEY: I know.
JACK: As long as there's a mole at the CIA, you can't tell Vaughn a thing. Not that you've been contacted, or that you and I have spoken.

(In the self-storage, Sydney sits on a chair with her head in her hands. Vaughn paces.)
VAUGHN: Sydney, I'm so sorry about this but there's no reason to assume the worst. They used tranquilizers on the security team, which means they weren't out for blood. If this is a kidnapping, they'll contact us.
(He sits down in the chair across from her and she looks up.)
SYDNEY: I'm just so scared for him. You'll contact me if you hear anything?
(He looks in her eyes.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn.
VAUGHN: What's going on?
SYDNEY: What do you mean?

(At the CIA, in Weiss' office, Vaughn paces again while Weiss sits behind his desk.)
VAUGHN: I haven't known Sydney that long, but I feel like I have. Like I know her well enough to know that she doesn't just accept problems. She tries to fix them.
WEISS: So, you think she'll try and get her friend back by using back channels?
VAUGHN: Maybe.
WEISS: And why wouldn't she tell you?
VAUGHN: The safehouse was compromised. She doesn't exactly trust the CIA right now. Would you?
WEISS: Trust is a tricky thing.
VAUGHN: What does that mean?
WEISS: I think you need to fill Devlin in on what you've been thinking about Sydney.
VAUGHN: Not a chance.
WEISS: Michael--
VAUGHN: What, fill him in on conjecture?
WEISS: I know this is a difficult time for you--
VAUGHN: What are you saying?
WEISS: Do not let your concern for Sydney get ahead--
VAUGHN: Eric, that's not--
WEISS: --GET AHEAD of your responsibility to the Agency!
VAUGHN: That's not what I'm doing here!
(Haladki pops his head in.)
HALADKI: Hey, my investigation is on a schedule. You have an appointment with me. You're late.
WEISS: Yeah, I didn't think you'd mind.
HALADKI: Hey, guess what? I do!
(Weiss leaves. When he passes by Haladki, he gives him a little shoulder check.)

(At a beach house somwhere near the ocean, Sloane leads Emily outside where two chairs are placed.)
EMILY: Arvin, this is beautiful... what did you do, did you rent this place for me to recover in?
(He doesn't say anything and guides her over to the chairs.)
EMILY: Stop. You've been quiet since we left the hospital.
(They sit down across from one another.)
EMILY: Arvin, you're scaring me.
(He looks out at the water for a few moments.)
SLOANE: SD-6 is not part of the CIA.
(He leans forward and tells her everything. Her eyes tear up and she looks frightened of him. He gets closer, pleading. She begins to cry, staring at him as he talks. She doesn't say a thing but she begins shaking slightly and crying. He pleads. She shakes and yells something. Sloane gets up and moves away from her. Then he walks away and goes back inside. Emily is shaking and crying. She closes her eyes.)

(In a van, Jack and Sydney debrief.)
JACK: This shirt is made of a heat sensitive material. Get Sloane to touch it. It'll transmit a digital copy of his prints and I'll create a latex duplicate.
(He gives her a watch.)
JACK: This is a wireless relay. It'll log me into Sloane's computer once you're in range of the terminal. I'll acquire the passwords then you'll lead the conversation. He doesn't need to say the actual words. Every word in the English language is comprised of forty-four basic phonemes. He's likely to say most of them in casual conversation. I'll shape them into the words we need. Once you'll leave Sloane's office, you'll have less than an hour to get to the facility before the passwords change.
SYDNEY: Dad... thanks.

(Marshall's office. He's working on something -- not a pop-up book -- when Dixon enters.)
DIXON: Marshall, can you remember back to the Aconcagua operation? Sydney's code name?
MARSHALL: Miss Bristow? It was, uh, Bluebird.
DIXON: Bluebird. So it wasn't Freelancer?
MARSHALL: Freelancer? No, no, it was Bluebird. Definitely.

(Sloane's office. He sits behind his desk looking depressed. Sydney enters.)
SYDNEY: Excuse me. Do you have a minute?
SLOANE: Yeah. Yeah, of course.
SYDNEY: I feel so selfish coming to you like this...
(In the van, Jack sits behind a few monitors and watches Sydney's view on Sloane from the camera she's wearing. He's listening in on the conversation.)
SYDNEY: ...Especially knowing what you and Emily must be going through right now. I'm sorry.
SLOANE: Sydney...
(He gets up and leaves his computer, comes around to talk to her.)
JACK: Okay, Sydney, keep him away from his computer.
(Sydney clicks the watch and pretends to look upset.)
SLOANE: What is it, Sydney? You can tell me.
(He touches her shoulder.)
SLOANE: Come on. You can tell me.
(The transmit from Sloane's touch comes up on Jack's monitor. He tears out the latex duplicate.
JACK: Got his prints. Still accessing central security.
SYDNEY: I don't remember much about my mother. When I think of the things that I miss, the experiences I wish I had with someone... sitting in a garden, talking... look, I think I had those things with Emily and the thought of losing that connection...
(His phone rings on his desk, right by his computer.)
SLOANE: Excuse me.
(It still shows on his computer monitor that Jack is accessing the security. Jack types quickly. He's in. He puts the screen back up. Sloane answers the phone.)
SLOANE: Yeah? I'll be right there.
(He hangs up and comes closer to Sydney.)
SLOANE: When Emily was diagnosed with cancer, the doctors predicted she had six months. That was three years ago.
(Jack, in the van, starts configuring the sounds and manipulating them for the passwords.)
SLOANE: And you know, in a way, we're lucky. Thinking every day may be her last has reminded us how priveleged we are to have her in our lives.
JACK: We still need the consonant "ch," Sydney. As in "choose."
SLOANE: I have to get ready for this meeting--
SYDNEY: Did you and Emily ever think of having children?
SLOANE: What we do here Sydney, is more than just a career. I didn't think it would be fair to bring someone into the world who couldn't really know their father. Seeing the kind of woman you've become, knowing that I had something to do with it... that's as rewarding as if I had a child of my own.
JACK: Bastard.
(He configures the last sound for "choose." Sydney walks out of the office and sees Dixon sitting at his desk.)
JACK: You have exactly fifty-seven minutes before the passwords change.
(She smiles. Dixon smiles back and watches her walk out.)

(In the torture room, a drill whirs in Will's mouth. He gasps and screams. Suit and Glasses takes the drill away and wipes it off.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: You had a cavity. Talk to me about the circumference.
WILL: I don't know anything about the circumference... I swear to God... I swear to God... Please...
(He gets out the pliers.)
WILL: No, no... no, no, no, no...
(He comes closer.)
WILL: NOO! Arghhhhhhhhhhh! AHHHHHH!
(Suit and Glasses yanks out a tooth. Will squirms and screams.)

(Sloane's office. The Alliance leader Ramond sits across from Sloane at his desk.)
RAMOND: As you know, the Alliance granted your request to spare your wife. Your argument at the time was that she was suffering from a terminal illness. But that is no longer the case.
SLOANE: Well... I propose we bring Emily in. Emily spent eight years in the state department, she was a senior partner at--
RAMOND: Arvin.
SLOANE: Emily will be an asset here.
RAMOND: If I were in your position, I might try to do the ame but it won't work. I am truly sorry but these are the prescripts of the Alliance.
SLOANE: You don't know the kind of mistake that you are making here.
RAMOND: As I said before, threats will do no good.
SLOANE: This threat might. It's not what I'll do if you have Emily killed, it's what I won't do. The Alliance is falling apart, Ramond. This organization is crumbling under the weight of corruption, bureaucracy, infighting, fear. With enemies like Khasinau, we live in a new world. Do you tell me that you think the Alliance is going to survive under its current state? We need new leadership. With Briault and Poole gone, there are two empty chairs around the partners' table.
RAMOND: And you want one of them.
SLOANE: I demand one of them.
RAMOND: Arvin, I came here today not only to hear your appeal for your wife but because the Alliance has already voted and they agreement was unanimous. We agree that you should be admitted to full partner.
RAMOND: However... this offer is contingent on your fulfilling the other matter.

(Sydney drives up, alone, to the water's edge and gets out. She zips up her scuba outfit and puts her mask on. Looks at her watch. Gets her pack on. And dives in. Dixon sits in his car nearby and watches her. Sydney swims, flashlight in hand. She gets to the drainage cover and takes out a torch, removing the grid. She enters.)

(The CIA conference room with Vaughn, Weiss, Haladki and Devlin.)
VAUGHN: So, I'm confused. Why was I called in here?
DEVLIN: Mr. Weiss mentioned that you were suspicious of Sydney Bristow.
(Vaughn looks at Weiss, who is sitting next to him..)

(Sydney enters the building and takes off her mask.)

(At the CIA storage building, Jack drives up and shows his badge to the security officer. She nods and clears him in.)

(Conference room.)
VAUGHN: When I mentioned I was suspicious, I simply meant that Sydney seemed troubled.
HALADKI: But that isn't the word you used, is it?

(Sydney runs in her scuba gear to the security panel. She checks her watch. She has eight seconds left before the passwords change. She takes out the latex duplicate and covers her finger. She takes out a tape recorder and plays the manipulated passwords.)
SLOANE'S VOICE: Rule. Dear. Choose.
(She presses her finger with his fingerprint up to the panel and enters. She runs in the lab and sees the page. She rolls it up and puts it in a can. She runs out.)

(Jack walks in the storage room. He punches in a code and opens the doors.)

(Conference room.)
VAUGHN: What I said was I feel I have an understanding of Sydney Bristow and that she doesn't just accept problems, she tries to fix them.
HALADKI: And that perhaps Ms. Bristow and her father are trying to secure release of Mr. Tippin on their own?
VAUGHN: It was just a conversation. I have--
DEVLIN: Is it your opinion, Mr. Vaughn, that Ms. Bristow is hiding something from you? Hiding something from the Central Intelligence Agency?
(Vaughn looks at Weiss all, "How could you?")
VAUGHN: Yes, sir.

(Jack takes out the ampule and closes the box up.)

(Devlin's office. He's alone and speaking on the phone to the female guard who let Jack through.)
DEVLIN: Yeah, it's Devlin. Records say Jack Bristow checked into your location.
GUARD: Yeah, like, twenty minutes ago.
DEVLIN: Keep him there!
GUARD: Sir... he already left.

(On the shore, Sydney takes off the headgear and shakes out her wet hair. Dixon walks up.)
DIXON: In Aconcagua, when I was shot, you radioed for help. You used the call sign Freelancer. Sydney, your SD-6 call sign was Bluebird. I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I even made excuses for you in my head. Trouble is, I don't believe any of those excuses. Who are you working for? And do not play games with me!
SYDNEY: Dixon, you know that I would never do anything to hurt you. You know that I would never do anything to betray what we believe in!
DIXON: How am I supposed to know what you believe when you've been lying to me? I'm your partner!
SYDNEY: Just think about this for a minute. Just think about everything we've been through. Just think about who I am. Now, what I am going to ask you to do is just accept the fact that I cannot tell you what this is about. What I am doing is classified but Dixon... I swear to you that I am not betraying this country. I could never do that. You know that!
DIXON: I don't need rhetoric, Sydney. Right now, I need a reason not to report you to security section.

(Devlin's office. His telephone rings.)
(Jack's driving in his car, talking on his cell.)
JACK: It's me.
DEVLIN: Jack? What the hell are you doing?
JACK: I'm saving someone's life.
DEVLIN: Really? Well, you may be destroying another one! You just stole classified property of the United States government!
JACK: You'll get the solution back plus a copy of the Rambaldi page.
DEVLIN: Jack, I have accepted your methodds for a lot of years now but there's a mole hunt going on here.
JACK: Any leads on the mole?
DEVLIN: Well, so far... I'm talking to the guy. I gave Haladki authority to start an inquiry. He's got some good questions. Why you were willing to risk Tippin's life, in the first place, how come you came to know about the circumference? Jack, this doesn't look good. Come back to the office.
JACK: We're friends, you and I.
JACK: You'd consider us friends?
DEVLIN: Well, I used to. What the hell are you talking about?
JACK: I'll see you when the job's done.
(He hangs up. Devlin covers his mouth with his hand.)

(In the Taipei torture room, Suit and Glasses picks up a jar of yellow liquid and a very large syringe.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: A gentleman I know makes this... truth serum. I would have used it earlier except that one in five men who receive it has an unfortunate reaction.
(He injects the syringe with the serum. Will's head is hanging low and blood drips down from his mouth onto his sweatshirt.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Results in... paralysis, among other things.
(He finishes loading up the syringe and grabs Will by the neck.)
WILL: Aahh...
(Suit and Glasses injects the serum into Will's neck.)
WILL: Owww... oohhhh...
(Will breaks down. He starts shaking a little. Suit leans in close. Will starts sobbing.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: Tell me about the circumference.
WILL: (sobbing) I don't know... I don't know...

(Litvack's office at Will's newspaper. Abby stands before her desk while Litvack reads the article.)
ABBY: It's been six days. Will warned me something might happen. He didn't even turn up to his own awards dinner. Called his friends, they haven't heard from him either. Are you going to publish his story?
LITVACK: Yeah. In the "A" section. I have to tell Deitrick that this is coming in. Call Orsay in graphics, get a photo of Will!

(In a garage, Sydney wipes the solution on the page and the ink slowly appears.)
SYDNEY: Then Dixon just turned and walked away. I think he's going to report me.
JACK: If we have to dela with that crisis, we'll deal with that crisis.
(All of the ink appears and it shows the designs and instructions for the Mueller device from the pilot. The U-shaped base with a red floating ball. Sydney gets a flashback.)
SYDNEY: Oh, my God...
(She remembers how when she unlatched the sides, the ball exploded and liquid came out.)
SYDNEY: This device... I took it from Taipei last year.
JACK: Two weeks ago an unsubstantiated report came in through CIA claiming Khasinau's been looking for something called the circumference. Instructions describing a method of applying technology Khasinau had acquired. This must be the circumference.
SYDNEY: So if Khasinau built one of these devices this page would tell him how to use it.
JACK: (nods slowly) Keep this safe...
SYDNEY: Wait, Dad, what are you doing? We have to be in Taipei in sixteen hours.
JACK: Keep your phone with you. I'll call you when the plane's ready. Don't go home.

(That night Haladki walks to his car. His car alarm chirps. He climbs in and is about to start the engine when he's grabbed from behind. His attacker drags him to the back seat. Haladki kicks and tries to scream. Jack presses a gun to his throat.)
JACK: How the hell did you know about the circumference?
HALADKI: You are out of your mind, you know that?
(Jack calmly slams his gun into Haladki, knocking him out.)

(Garage. Jack walks and picks up a spray bottle filled with a liquid. He calmly walks over to Haladki who is spread out on a table on his back. His hands are in two wood vices. Jack sprays it on his face to make him wake up.)
HALADKI: Aughhh... dammit, my eyes! Ahhh! Oh, God!
(He sees that his hands are in the vice.)
JACK: How long have you worked for Khasinau?
JACK: Devlin said you mentioned the circumference.
HALADKI: I want to see you BURN IN HELL, you HEAR me?
JACK: You don't have the clearance to know what that is.
JACK: You must have learned about it from the outside.
(Jack twirls the vice and tightens it. Haladki's fingers crack and break.)
JACK: Do you work for Khasinau?
(He tightens it some more. Crunch.)
HALADKI: Ahhhhhhh!
JACK: Do you work for Khasinau?
HALADKI: You son of a bitch!
(Jack tightens it even more. Haladki's hand crunches under the pressure, breaking.)
HALADKI: YES! I work for Khasinau, yes!
(Jack presses his gun to Haladki's throat.)
JACK: How long?
HALADKI: Two years!
JACK: Why does Khasinau want the circumference?
HALADKI: It's the key to something he's had built!
JACK: Something he's built. Tell me about it.
HALADKI: It's a battery! All I know is it's just a battery!
JACK: For what?
HALADKI: I swear I don't know! Jack, Khasinau's the future!
JACK: Where is this thing? This battery?
HALADKI: It's in Taipei! The Fu Sing district, at a warehouse! Pang Pharmaceuticals! In an underground lab, in room forty-seven!
JACK: You gave Khasinau the information about the safehouse.
HALADKI: Jack, this is a gift I'm giving you! Khasinau can save you! You should be with him!
JACK: You told him that my daughter is a double agent with SD-6.
HALADKI: Jack, look at yourself--
JACK: You exposed Sydney!
HALADKI: Come with me! I can save you! I can save you!
(Jack looks in Haladki's pleading eyes. Jack stares. Shoots him.)

(Train station. Sydney sits curled up in a chair.)
ANNOUNCER: Attention, passengers. "Pacific Surfliner" to San Diego departing from platform five in fifteen minutes...
(Vaughn sits down on the other side of the seats. Their backs are to each other.)
(She looks and then looks away.)
SYDNEY: Hi. How did you find me?
VAUGHN: You told me a couple of months ago that when you feel the need to disappear, you go to the observatory. But the observatory was closed. And then I remembered you said the pier calms you down. But you weren't there. And you weren't at the bluffs and the palisades, either.
SYDNEY: You didn't really go to all those places.
VAUGHN: Yeah, I did. And then I remembered you liked the train station, too. Normal people going to their normal jobs.
SYDNEY: I can't believe you remember that.
VAUGHN: He's contacted you, hasn't he? Khasinau? And he wants the page. You're going to give it to him.
SYDNEY: (crying) You came here to stop me.
VAUGHN: My father used to keep a diary and when I was a kid I used to say, "Hey, Dad, only girls keep diaries," and he'd just laugh. He was a really good guy, my dad. Yeah. But he was too hard on himself. I mean, he was such a company guy that whenever he slipped up even in the slightest way he took it so personally. There were a few operations -- his last one among them -- that he questioned. Operations he refused to participate in. But only in his diary. He'd write out what he wanted to say to the CIA director. I mean, things he could never say in real life. He was a company man, and I loved him very much. But it killed him, never questioning orders. His blind devotion to the job. If you're doing what I think you're doing, I'm in if you need me.
SYDNEY: Thank you.

(On the plane, Jack, Sydney and Vaughn sit together and go over the mission. Jack has several surveillance photos of Taipei in front of him.)
SYDNEY: Who told you about this?
JACK: I found a source. Khasina's already built one of these devices and it's in this warehouse. In an underground lab, room forty-seven. The meeting with Sark is scheduled to take place in two hours from now. That means by the time I hand over the page in exchange for Tippin, you must have destroyed not ony the device they've built but the lab itself.
SYDNEY: Destroying the device should be easy. It's the size of a shoe. What about the lab?
(Jack gives her a bag.)
JACK: Here. It's a red mercury charge with a mechanical fuse.
(A red light flashes over their head and a buzzer goes off.)
SYDNEY: I'll see what they need.
(She leaves them alone.)
JACK: I understand the risks you've taken here and you have my respect for that.
(Vaughn nods.)

(Torture room. Suit and Glasses talks to Sark.)
SUIT AND GLASSES: If he knew anything about the circumference, we would have heard it.
SARK: I suspected as much. Prepare Mr. Tippin for the exchange.
(Will watches, looking completely dazed from the serum. His shoulders are hunched over and he stares at the ground, twitching slightly. The two guards and Suit and Glasses walk in. S&G snaps his fingers. The guards take off the handcuffs. As soon as they're off, Will leaps to his feet and knocks down the guards. He takes the needle from the tray beside him and lunges at Suit and Glasses. He stabs him in the neck with the needle.)
WILL: One in five, you little bitch! ONE IN FIVE!
(The guards scramble and get up. They come after him but Will elbows them in the face.)
WILL: One in FIVE!
(Will crazy laughs as the guards get up again and drag him out of the room. As Will passes Suit and Glasses, he kicks him hard, still laughing. Suit and Glasses gasps for air.)
WILL: (high pitched laughter) ONE IN FIVE!

(Sloane's mansion. In the dining room, an operatic aria plays. Dinner is on the table. Emily sits in front of her plate. Sloane puts his back to her and opens a small package of powder. He sprinkles the substance in her wine glass and puts it in front of her. He takes his seat across from her.)
EMILY: Arvin... I can't judge you for what you do. I was never there, I was never faced with the choices you had to make and I have never... What I'm trying to say is... I forgive you.
(He tries not to break down. He looks at her wine for a second. She picks it up and he tries to smile, but can't. He picks up his own glass. She takes a big drink. With tears in his eyes, he takes a drink from his own glass. He looks at her and smiles weakly.)

(Taipei club. Sydney is wearing a blue chin-length wig and a black bra with black netting over it. Dog collar. Vaughn's in a long leather jacket with his hair spikey. They walk in the club together and weave through the dancing people. A guy comes up and leers at Sydney. Vaughn stares for a second and shoves the guy away. She smiles. They take hands and walk off together. They walk through the club and go to the back. She breaks open the lock and they go inside. They drill out a panel and climb through to the underground level.)

(In an alley, Jack drives up and gets out of his car. A limo drives up. Jack stands by his vehicle, waiting. Sark gets out of his white limo.)
SARK: Jack Bristow doing his daughter's work. There was speculation that you might make an appearance tonight.
JACK: If you're not comfortable with me, we can waive our business for the night and say good-bye.
SARK: Are you comfortable? Do you feel comfortable trading priceless documents for a low-grade reporter?
JACK: You should read Tippin's stuff. It's not so bad.
SARK: Let's see the artifact.
JACK: Let's see Tippin.
(Sark turns and nods. The door opens and Will is being held up by another goon. He's covered in blood and his head wobbles a bit. Jack blinks at how bloody Will looks. Then he focuses again.)
SARK: Shall we?
(Jack opens the suitcase on the hood.)
SARK: You've exposed the page.
JACK: You would have done the same thing.

(In the underground level of the club.)
VAUGHN: When I activate the surge inducer, you'll have ten seconds to cross the hall before the system resets.
SYDNEY: I'll go radio silent until I'm in the lab!
VAUGHN: Good luck!
SYDNEY: You, too.
(They run off.)

(In the alley, Sark examins the page closely.)
SARK: The parchment fibers are consistent with the other Rambaldi documents. Yes. We have a deal.
(He nods again. The goon brings Will forward. Sark closes up the suitcase.)
SARK: Please pass along to your daughter how much I enjoyed her stage show in Paris. She has a marvelous singing voice.
(He walks away, smirking. The goon pushes Will forward. They get in their limo and drive away. Jack looks at Will. For a moment it looks like Will might fall to the ground like a sack of exhausted flour. Will stumbles closer to Jack... and hugs him.)
WILL: Thank you.
(Jack looks uncomfortable, not used to this.)
WILL: (sobbing) Thank you...
(Jack puts a hand on Will's back and pats him gently.)

(Vaughn makes the cameras in the control room go down. Sydney runs down the hallway and opens the door. She runs down another hallway. Two guards come her way. She kicks one in the stomach and he bangs in to the one behind him. She elbows the first one. He bends over in pain. Sydney rolls over on his back and kicks the other guard in the face. She kicks the one behind and roundhouse kicks the other one. The guards go down. Sydney grabs her bag and runs down the hallway to room forty-seven. She hits the red button and the door slides open. She walks inside and turns a corner, looking around. Then she looks up, up, up, up. She gets closer. The red ball is definitely not the size of a shoe. It looks ten stories high.)
SYDNEY: Vaughn... it's bigger than I thought.
VAUGHN: Syd, I can't hear you!
(The feed on Vaughn's end is crackling.)
SYDNEY: If I turn this thing off, I'm going to have to swim out of here.
VAUGHN: You're breaking up! Syd? Syd, I'm coming down!
(Vaughn starts running. In room forty-seven, Sydney looks at the prongs that she unlatched in the first episode. They're the size of large pillars now. Two guards run up to her and yell, their guns pointed. She runs from them and ducks behind some boxes. She runs around and finally attaches the explosive to the Mueller device and runs out. One of the guards run up, sees the explosive beeping and he yells. The explosive goes off and the guards fly in the air. Sydney runs from it all. The fire gets closer to the red ball and it bursts. The liquid starts rushing out. Sydney runs. Vaughn is also running, but towards the water and Sydney. They meet at the end of a hall. He watches as the liquid starts rushing toward them. Sydney is running fast and motions for him to go. She runs up to him and grabs him by the chest, getting him out of there. They turn another corner and run down the hallway to get out of there. Sydney's ahead of him. She scrambles for the door where she punched the red button to get inside. The door's sliding closed. She runs in, tries to hold on to the door to keep it open for Vaughn to escape, but the door closes. Vaughn looks at her through the window in the door. The water's creeping up behind him. The force of it all slams Vaughn against the door. Sydney grabs the fire extinguisher and starts banging it against the window to get him out but it doesn't work. She hits it again. And again. And again. Vaughn stares at her, engulfed in the liquid. He motions behind her and to get out of there, but she won't stop. She bangs the fire extinguisher against the window again. His eyes close. She keeps on, frantic now. Vaughn disappears. A guard from behind takes Sydney down. She elbows him in the face and gets up. Vaughn's gone. Someone hits Sydney across the face.)

(In another torture room, Sydney is handcuffed to the chair. Just like in the pilot, she has blood dripping down from the corner of her mouth. She wakes up and sees Khasinau standing before her with a tray of food. He sits down.)
SYDNEY: You're Alexander Khasinau.
KHASINAU: You should eat something.
(He takes a spoonful of food and offers it to her.)
SYDNEY: I'm not hungry.
(He nods and puts it back down. He gets up to walk out.)
SYDNEY: Wait. I have questions for you.
KHASINAU: You can ask my boss.
SYDNEY: Your boss? I thought The Man was the boss.
KHASINAU: Yes. Yes, but I am not The Man.
(Sydney watches as a woman walks in. Sydney's eyes get big as the woman stands in front of Sydney.)
THE MAN: I have waited almost thirty years for this.

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Subject: just trying sumfin

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Date Posted: 19:24:08 09/28/02 Sat

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Subject: Can we have a official at freedom falls main message board? please

Rhea's player
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Date Posted: 12:35:58 09/28/02 Sat

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Subject: AH!

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Date Posted: 16:39:33 09/21/02 Sat

We, honestly, need to pass the no gays rule!

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Subject: great googly-moogly, you guys

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Date Posted: 18:53:03 09/25/02 Wed

holy crap! i tell you in the rules AND your fellow players have asked that you either resize your huge pictures or put them in a reply, and yet you still do it.. except now, you're like, oh whoops, sorry it's so big!... heh.. hopefully this isn't too big.. heh.. it's not cool, guys. you hafta realize that you're breaking rules here. so DO SOMETHING about the size of your pictures, don't make excuses for them. take the URL and put it in your browser window. when you look at the picture by itself, is it too big? if so, either resize it or reply to your own post and put it inside that. just because i'm not breathing down your neck waiting to delete anything that's against the rules doesn't mean you can break them.

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Subject: Just trying a migjiger!(sp?)

Rhea's play IE Val
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Date Posted: 18:39:28 09/23/02 Mon

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Subject: *sad* - inactive

Tina/Mystical Chances
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Date Posted: 17:53:47 09/22/02 Sun

Okay y'all, as you may or may not have noticed, I have been terribly inactive over the last two weeks. I am currently in my first year of high school, and I realise that I'm now going to have to work towards keeping all of my marks as high as I possibly can. My marks have begun to fall a little, and I'm finding myself struggling to find enough time for homework, and horses, let alone horse games. I would like to inform all of you that I will continue to be inactive for the next little while as I try to make up for the academic errors that I've made over the last month. If I am unable to increase my marks, then I will be forced to quit the game, but hopefully that won't have to happen. Anyways, I better get going, I'll see you all in a little while, and if you need to talk to me just email me.

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Subject: i got a question!

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Date Posted: 14:50:36 09/22/02 Sun

How cum no body is active on this game other then the lobby board??? i mean Fox and Tina and all of them put alot of work into this game and all anyone goes to is the lobby these days!

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Subject: HELP!

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Date Posted: 15:23:03 09/18/02 Wed

theres a guy at school on the football team that I know likes me....he gives me a hug everyday but this one time he hugged me and said "ya know I like hugs...but I like kisses better" then he kissed my cheek! but then just the other day he acted like he didnt like me in that way....jsut as a friend, I know he likes me but why is he acting this way?

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Subject: Jenny

Green Dawg
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Date Posted: 12:29:56 09/17/02 Tue

Jenny was so happy about the house they had found.
For once in her life it was on the right side of town.
She unpacked her things with such great ease.
As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze.
How wonderful it was to have her own room.
School would be starting; she'd have friends over soon.
There'd be sleep-overs, and parties; she was so happy
It's just the way she wanted her life to be.
On the first day of school, everything went great.
She made new friends and even got a date!
She thought, "I want to be popular and I'm going to be,
Because I just got a date with the star of the team!"
To be known in this school you had to have a clout,
And dating this guy would sure help her out.
There was only one problem stopping her fate.
Her parents had said she was too young to date.
"Well, I just won't tell them the entire truth.
They won't know the difference; what's there to lose?"
Jenny asked to stay with her friends that night.
Her parents frowned but said, "All right."
Excited, she got ready for the big event
But as she rushed around like she had no sense,
She began to feel guilty about all the lies,
But what's a pizza, a party, and a moonlight ride?
Well the pizza was good, and the party was great,
But the moonlight ride would have to wait.
For Jeff was half drunk by this time.
She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble,
And heard, call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble!
Voices she heard...a few words at best.
But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck.
Then wondered to herself if Jeff was all right,
And if the people in the other car was alive. S
he awoke in the hospital to faces so sad.
"You've been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad."
These voices echoed inside her head,
As they gently told her that Jeff was dead.
They said "Jenny, we've done all we can do.
But it looks as if we'll lose you too."
"But the people in the other car!? "Jenny cried.
"We're sorry, Jenny, they also died."
Jenny prayed, "God, forgive me for what I've done
I only wanted to have just one night of fun."
"Tell those people's family, I've made their lives dim,
And wish I could return their families to them."
"Tell Mom and Dad I'm sorry I lied,
And that it's my fault so many have died.
Oh, nurse, won't you please tell them that for me?"
The nurse just stood there-she never agreed.
But took Jenny's hand with tears in her eyes.
And a few moments later Jenny died.
A man asked the nurse, "Why didn't you do your best?"
To bid that girl her one last request?"
She looked at the man with eyes so sad.
"Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad."
This story is sad and unpleasant but true,
So young people take heed, it could have been you.

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Subject: Public School System

Green Dawg
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Date Posted: 12:26:58 09/17/02 Tue

Now I sit me down in school
Where praying is against the rule
For this great nation under God
Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,
It violates the Bill of Rights.
And anytime my head I bow
Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,
That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.
The law is specific, the law is precise.
Prayers spoken aloud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall
Might offend someone with no faith at all.
In silence alone we must meditate,
God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,
And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks.
They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.
To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,
And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.
It's "inappropriate" to teach right from wrong,
We're taught that such "judgments" do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,
Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.
But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,
No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,
When chaos reigns the school's a mess.
So, Lord, this silent plea I make:
Should I be shot; My soul please take!

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Subject: Please..

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Date Posted: 09:58:45 09/16/02 Mon

Please can people stop typing songs or poems n stuff on the lobby board! Nobody bothers to read them and it takes up a lot of room so bumps down everyone elses. If you desperatly want to type out a song then can you do it as a reply to an original post so it doesnt take up so much room?
Im sure other people will agree with me here!

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Subject: *sniff sniff*

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Date Posted: 11:46:24 09/15/02 Sun

I just watched the 7th Heaven when Lucy's friend, Sarah got in a car wreck, and died. Lucy blamed herself, and was crying so hard, I started to cry too! lol

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a friend of IF and a player on the game
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Date Posted: 17:09:11 09/12/02 Thu

IF is having computer problems so his player wont be on for a bit....im sorry to have to inform you all but we figured that every one needed to know

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Subject: Answer me this....

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Date Posted: 17:32:32 09/11/02 Wed

What is the point of living? And, what is going to happen to me when I die?

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Subject: *new name*

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Date Posted: 15:13:05 09/11/02 Wed

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Subject: name list

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Date Posted: 16:07:55 09/04/02 Wed

okay, here's the deal guys... you name does not go on the name board unless you have posted on the joining board or here on the OOC. i've gotten a couple on my own, but it's kida riduluous (not to mention annoying) for me to have to keep track of that. so it's your job to tell me and i'll be happy to add you.

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Subject: BuIlD Me Up BuTtErCuP ROCKS!!!!

Melody & Melani
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Date Posted: 17:47:48 09/02/02 Mon

te-he I love that song!!!

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  • lol (NT) -- playa that was talkin to ya bout it, 17:49:20 09/02/02 Mon
Subject: =(

Heaven's Rebellion
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Date Posted: 14:49:08 08/23/02 Fri

I have a slight problem....i cant get to the meeting meadow b/c my computer freezes everytime I try to

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Subject: DOCTORS

Dr. Mel's playa
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Date Posted: 12:41:06 08/21/02 Wed

Ok... I like doing all the doctor stuff, so if someone needs a doctor... just post on the lobby board for me, or Matt. If neither replies you can email me... I'm play Kiss too, so my addy is on this msg and in the officials section... COMMENTS, anyone? Any other peeps wanna be doctors?

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Subject: FYI

Melody & Melani
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Date Posted: 21:37:07 08/30/02 Fri

so yall know....ill be gone saturday, sunday, and alot of monday (i dont know if I can get on then) because I have to go visit my older sis and her family cause she lost her son last month and wee need to go visit her for a bit ill defently be back next week (school willing) and if someone could could ya tell Jeff and Jack that we are gone for the weekend if I dont get a chance to...thankx =)

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Subject: i surrender

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Date Posted: 14:03:26 08/21/02 Wed

okay, i give in. you can do you little online lists n' such... one request is that you do not use Cara's idea with the whole "crew" thing. i'm sorry for being a heartless biznitch and for yelling at you n' stuff but i was berry angry... ack.. anyway, carry on

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Subject: Kissless

Kiss of Fire
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Date Posted: 14:22:10 08/27/02 Tue

I just started school, and I'm totally bogged down. I'm just typing a quick note, and maybe I'll have more time later... this weekend, and next monday i'll be on for sure. (I have to read all of White Fang tonight) See ya soon!

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Subject: Inactivity at Freedom Falls

Kiss of Fire
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Date Posted: 08:26:23 08/22/02 Thu

Does anyone have any suggestions about the unactivity problem at Freedom Falls? I have one...

That everyone playing on Crystal Falls Farm, should play at least one horse, for a month until it gets started up. If they don't want to, they have to go to a web page, and advertise the game... and email an official the page for verrification. Comments? Suggestions?

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Kiss of Fire
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Date Posted: 10:45:29 08/25/02 Sun

Some of the officials have been talking about the inactivity problem at Freedom Falls. We came up with an answer... we are asking that everyone playing on Crystal Falls Farm, should play at least one horse, for a minimum time of one month until it gets started up again. If you aren't interested in doing that, you'll have to have to go to a web page (any web page), and advertise the game. For verrification we ask that after you make your advertisment, you an official and give them the address of the page. If you have any questions, feel free to email me, or any other official.

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Subject: this is dumb >>

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Date Posted: 14:15:26 08/24/02 Sat

ok, having read a few posts [nosey me] ive noticed a whole thing going on with FBI people and secret agents, is it just me or is that just dumb. this is Crystal Falls we are talking about, not FBI central and when was the last time some [stupid] crime happened, i cant even remember. basically, im just asking to get peoples thoughts on this because personally, it drives me up the wall.

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Subject: umm.......

StarLite's player
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Date Posted: 20:42:10 08/23/02 Fri

K um... i'm the LM of Golden Sands Island and would like the password to it to redo the TT/Board cuz it doesn't have the new herd of it and needs sum spicing up and Dance's player doesn't seem too be changin it! lol, so um ya my e-mail is snowboardsx27@hotmail.com and just put cffpassword in it so i don't delete it! thanks!

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  • uh oh... -- Fox, 08:24:03 08/24/02 Sat
    • oh ok! -- StarLite, 17:35:20 08/24/02 Sat
Subject: -away-

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Date Posted: 13:48:56 08/24/02 Sat

. ok, im going on vacation for a week or so and will return in time. the following characters are to be gone and all challenges or steals involving them are void .

crazy twilight [devaki | cirrus too]



war cry









thanks and please spread the word,


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Subject: Well done Fox!

A Loyal Player
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Date Posted: 10:06:48 08/23/02 Fri

I have to say, reading most of these posts, you are a good president. Im glad you bring up these things because at least everyone gets a say in them! I dont really like the online lists either because when people want to speak to say 3 people the messages get long and do bump down everyone elses. And Cara, i dont wanna sound mean but your not the president and it does seem like you try and be it with your "i've been here for a long time" routine. I happen to remember the old CFF too and remember you joining. Any way i have to give applause to Fox, your doing a great job at putting up with us all!!

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Subject: test

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Date Posted: 21:37:39 08/22/02 Thu


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Subject: Husky pics

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Date Posted: 10:59:10 08/22/02 Thu

Kate (f)

Jewls (f)

Deeds (m)

Skyler (f)

Buck (m)

Maxie (f)

Cupid and Kitty (m, f)

Angel (mother)

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Subject: \echo..echo...echo..\

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Date Posted: 09:24:45 08/20/02 Tue

Alrightie.. You said that we need to stop listing all of our characters and who they're with cause it takes up too much space,understandable. But some of us play 4+ characters,wouldnt it take up even more space if we created a single message for each one of those people?And then if others did the same,Everyone elses messages would get knocked down faster.. All i'm saying is by listing all of our characters in one message its more conservative and considerate for all of us. Am I wrong?

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