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Subject: Hey Cal

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Date Posted: 22:05:19 07/31/02 Wed


I just got back from the Yukon. It was pretty neat. Hey, guess what I just remebered? Remember when we both finished that test and we wanted to talk but we couldn't so we started to write back and forth? I laughed out loud while everyone was doing the test...God that was great..In fact, I kept that piece of paper. WOAH!! Flashbacks! Remember when Iain had to go to the washroom so bad that he ran out of class?

I was real nice to hear from you but the only reason why I was able to read it is because our friends that we were staying with let me use their comp. Wish your Grandma happy birthday for me!(Even though I don't know her)

You know how you put me in charge of stuff on your site? I won't be able to do it cuz I can't usually open messages so I wouldn't be able to see what ppl spent. I suggest that you leave it in trust of Gill or Iss or whoever you want. OHH! Guess what!? My dad said that we mgiht be getting a new computer before school starts but we just got the used but newer computer of my cousin so I'm not sure what's gonna happen.

I'm gonna see if I can do something with you tomorrow...if you're at home and if I'm allowed to. Can you come to my party? PHONE ME!!!!

What's this Callie says relax thing...geocities...Is that another site or is it e-mail? (don't answer that)


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