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Subject: interesting site...

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Date Posted: 15:21:31 08/01/02 Thu

Hey Calsies.

Geocities site is cool...but you better watch out...Sorry, I'm paranoid after reading some articles in Teen People (I had nothing else to read) about these kids that got attacked by weird internet ppl. You're really branching out (if that's the right saying)Cal...I wouln't post my thoughts on the internet...

Are you ever gonna go back on Pine Hollow? Cuz if you're not gonna I'm gonna sell all my horses and quit cuz there's no point if you're not running it..No one, not even myself would make it any fun.

Well I tried phoning today, but no one answered so I'm assuming that you are not at home...Did I hear you mention something about going to Ontario this summer or am I crazy?

I brought you back something from the Yukon...SEEDS!! Yeah I didn't have much money...but they're pretty flowers. In fact they're the official flower of the YUkon..they're like the wild rose to Alberta.

I'd give you the facts of my party but I don't want uninvite ppl to pop up. UNfortunatly it's on a weekend that Ashley can't come to. I think I'm still gonna invite her, just say that if something happens to her previous plans she can just call up a couple days in advance and let me know...

Do you know by chance when Issy let and when she's getting back? The message on they're anwering machine changed but I'm not sure if she is home. I'm so lonely...I think I want to dye my hair too...I got the Idea from your thoughts..I commited intelectual robbery because I looked at your site! But if I dye it I'm gonna do it naturally...with lemon juice. It'll make my hair even more blonde, or possibly red streaks. But I think it's gonna be blonder cuz my hair already has blonde highlights. I think the way it works is if you have blonde highlights you'll be blonder and if you have red highlights it'll get reder. But I might get this not permenant stuff that I read about in Teen People! IT's the hot pink Ozzy Osbourn's daughter wears..but it has to wash uot before school. SOmething tells me that first impressions made at a new school where I will spend the next 6 years of my life should not be made with bright pink hair.

I thik yo'll be real popular at the new school...so will Issy. I'm gonna try to talk to Daniel more and find out who's cool and such (oh..I'm SO shallow)

I'm gonna phone you again cuz I just figured out that you posted a message here last night three hours before me. Issy...If you happen to be reading this phone me.

BOTH OF YOU RSVP FOR MY PARTY NOW!!!!! (and you better be coming cuz both of you said you cuold come the weekend it's planned for


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