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Date Posted: 03:31:20 11/15/02 Fri
Author: Jim
Subject: Re: Hmmm
In reply to: harsheek 's message, "Re: Hmmm" on 02:40:00 11/15/02 Fri

Clinton had a chance to deal with Al-Quaeda in the early nineties and he didn't do anything. I'm sure if he had done something there would have been "Stop the War" campaigns going on everywhere like there are now. Wouldn't they have felt silly on September 11th. I guess this is Bush's chance to make America a safer place in the future. If Hussein complies to UN regulations and allows weapons inspections then there won't be a war and that's fair enough. If he doesn't comply, wouldn't anyone else be a bit worried about that? Imagine in Bin Laden gets hold of some of the weapons Iraq is producing.

If there's a war innocent people will die in Iraq. If there isn't, Hussein is free to manufacture weapons of mass destruction and there's a very strong possibility- almost a certainty- that people will die in Britain/USA. Your choice. I've made mine.

All i want is weapons inspections in Iraq. I'm sure that's all a lot of people want.

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