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Subject: Re: hello could someone talk with me?

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Date Posted: 03:10:45 09/17/03 Wed
In reply to: Joshua 's message, "Re: hello could someone talk with me?" on 07:40:40 09/16/03 Tue

I'm certainly willing to talk but not being a real computer geek I have trouble with things like instant messanger. Email is good though and if you have any specific questions just hit the author link of this message and you will be able to email me.

Firstly let me say that there is not test of doctrine in the Pagan paths so anything I may tell you is subject to disagreement from another person who may consider themselves Pagan. That's OK. The Pagan Pope abdicated a long time ago and took the Pagan Inquisition with her.

Secondly, I believe faith is totally irrelevant to being a Pagan. What you believe is of no consequence whatsoever. What is, is, whether you believe it or not, and the nature of the cosmos that is does not threaten you with judgement or eternal damnation. That is not to say there are no consequences for the actions you or others may take or fail to take, its just that there's no judgemental punishment attached to those consequences. Its sort of like pissing into a stong wind. When you get wet that will be consequence, not punishment. When you tire of wetting yourself, pee in a different direction. The cosmos will allow that and will not damn you to wetting yourself for eternity.

If you want to know Witchcraft, or Buddhism, or Christianity, or Hinduism, or any other religion for that matter, you must know that all religion is an attempt to know the unknowable, Truth. Truth is synonamous with Divinity in my opinion as both Truth and Divinity are and transcend all that has ever been, is now, or shall ever be. In our present state I think it is not possible to rationally know all that has ever been, is now, or shall ever be. We must, therefore, transcend the illusion of what we consider ourselves to be in order to become one with Divinity through our true selves. This is why it is necessary to know your true self if you would know the Divine.

Divinity is not rational, meaning it can not be contained by the rational mind. That is part of the symbolism of the Pentagram. The ratio of line segments in the Pentagram is an illustration of the irrational number Phi. If you are not familiar with Phi or the symbolism of the Pentagram I suggest you get down to the video store and rent a copy of the Disney movie 'Donald Duck in Mathemagic Land'. Phi, otherwise known as the Divine Proportion or Golden Mean is an irrational number that is most illuminating in trying to understand the cosmos which is the most reliable evidence of the Divine. Here are some links to what I would call the mathmatics of Witchcraft. http://www.unitone.org/naturesword/

All religions are the same. The Divine does not sit around spinning a Buddhist prayer wheel, bowing towards Mecca, nor does it wear a Crucifix, Pentacle, or Mogen David on a little chain around its Divine equivalent of a neck. Consider the unitary wisdom of these seekers of various religious paths as shown on this site. http://www.digiserve.com/mystic/
Yea, I know, some folks think its their way or damnation 'cause their way is something unique under the sun or so they think. For those folks there's this site. http://home.earthlink.net/~pgwhacker/ChristianOrigins/ And for those who think they are "special" because they're into Witchcraft there's this site. http://www.whywiccanssuck.com/

Study some history, theology and philosophy. Just about everybody else to ever draw a breath on the face of this earth has had the same spiritual questions you and I have. Some have had some remarkable insights that we might find illuminating. No need to reinvent the wheel.

As my daughter might say, "Hey, this sounds like school work!" Well, yes, it is. It seems "No pain, no gain." is one of the laws of nature, though if one keeps the goal in sight, the journey need not be too painful. If you have any specific questions feel free to ask them either on this forum or via email.


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Subject Author Date
Thanx for all your help.Joshua06:21:58 09/17/03 Wed
Re: hello could someone talk with me?Joshua21:58:15 09/22/03 Mon

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