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Subject: To: DEE

Shadow Wolf
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Date Posted: 14:41:02 03/17/04 Wed

It has been along while since I have came here, but by the "conversations" on the site I say that their were or are problems.

I once was a brain-washed "christian" too so I know how you feel. The only reason why you come here is because your curious about other religions but want to remain TRUE to your God. That is fine, ignorance (on anybodies part) is not bliss in this world but do remember this DEE, if you came for information why not trying asking instead of fighting. Even your "god" did magic, how do you think he created everything?? By magic!

Even jesus did it. When the Roman Soldier cut off that persons ear, jesus put it back and how was that done? By magic.

Magic is magic nomatter what religion.

Although I am still a beginner in Wicca, I formed this: Even "christians" do magic and I'll give you an example.
When you sit down and pray, what is your first words? Dear God, Thy Father who art in heaven, God, etc. What you are doing is envoking your god to listen to you just as Wiccans do when we conduct rituals, etc.

As I see it, and I could be wrong and if I am then Ocean Starr will tell me, christianity and Wicca (Pagan)is almost similiar.

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Re: To: DEEOcean Starr11:51:54 03/18/04 Thu

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