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Subject: Re: To: DEE

Ocean Starr
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Date Posted: 11:51:54 03/18/04 Thu
In reply to: Shadow Wolf 's message, "To: DEE" on 14:41:02 03/17/04 Wed

Shadow!! How have you been?? You sound much better!!

You are right on about that. We don't deny Jesus, he was real...... a teacher, a healer, a prophet, great guy..... Son of God? Could be but aren't we all children of our higher power?? It really doesn't matter what your name for God is...... Goddess, Buddha, Jehova, etc..... the point is the basic belief is the same, we just have different ways of showing our repect. I mean, so what if God/Goddess gave me a way to believe that I could deal with without so many questions?

In all actuality, what we deny is Satan.... we simply believe that we must take atone for our own bad stuff not blame it on anything else. When my mom married my stepdad, we were all converted to Catholic for a bit. I couldn't IMAGINE what Father West would have said to me in confession if I'd have said,"It wasn't me, the devil just made it look so right!"! Smack on the head, 2052 Acts of Contrition and 214 Hail Marys for sure!

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Re: To: DEEShadow Wolf16:07:17 03/19/04 Fri

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