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Subject: Could We..........

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Date Posted: 04:45:03 03/20/03 Thu

we had to do a project on a religion in class....when i choose wiccan my teacher first told me it wasnt real.....then when i finally convinced her to let me i got on the school computer all the sites were blocked!!!!! reason:Cult
it really made me mad so i looked through all the books on religion they were Christian,HIndu,Buddhism,Islam, even Satinism but absolutlry no wiccan or pagan or anything about magik the one book that had about magik was stereotypicl so i bunred it (i was really really pissed) this is religious perscution me and my friends dont want to put up with this any longer.....from all the dirty looks we get from teachers bc we talk about spells and wear pentagrams (they look like they want to burn us or hug us) we could sue them....we are a religion and i just dont see why they cant accept us yet they can accept Christians and all who seem to hate us......i wanna do something.......i would like to educate the ignorant on us b4 they judge and try to preach to me (im sure some of you know how annoying that gets) so someone just tell me if im right.....and if we should do something to bring our brothers and sisters into light and understanding by our fellow school mates

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Subject Author Date
Re: Could We..........Ocean Starr10:03:48 03/20/03 Thu
Pagan MathWallace01:20:21 03/22/03 Sat

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